-new year's kiss-

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Hand-in-hand, Keefe and I sneakily walked into the huge ballroom, hiding away from the roaring rage of the party. Panting, we finally reached a hidden corner and rested on the smooth wall. I rested my greasy palms on the cold marble while Keefe laid back, catching his breath. 

Smiling with sweat glistening on his face, Keefe announces, "I'm glad we're finally out of there." My hand reached his pumping heart. His arm smoothly wrapped around my fragile hip, dragging me closer, knowing the distance had been poisoning the both of us. The motion had settled on me, like a routine easing in my bones.

Next to him, I whisper into his neck. "You don't miss them? Your friends?" 

He began to twirl me once easily stating, "How could I when I'm with you?"

On my tippy toes, I froze, his words pervading shock through me. Slowly, my hand falls out of his grasp, falling loose. I glance at him, wondering if he'd meant what he just said. He response was a small smile, taking my hand once again. 

He drags me to the center of the ballroom, and only them do I realize how magnificent the room really is. The room itself is shaped like a huge hexagon, with patterns carved onto the side of the walls. Windows cover the walls, the red curtains draping off the sides. The walls are a cream white, while the red almost exactly matches the color of my off-the-shoulders dress. 

The echoes from our shuffling footsteps boom and penetrate my ears. 

After a minute, we arrive to the center. "Keefe, do you mean what you said?"

He looks at me once more and kisses my small hand. "Foster, why would I lie to you?"

Smiling, I answer confidently. "Because you're just too good to be true."

And then, he truly spins me. We slide and step across the entirety of the ballroom floor, the reminisce of our steps etched in my head. And while spinning me, I think about me as a baby, wishing on shooting stars to find my knight in shining armor every time I dressed up for Cinderella during Halloween. 

The clock on the wall, slowly winds down to 12:00. Hours turn to minutes, and then 30 seconds are left until the New Year. 

Our dance finally comes to an end, and we standing in the center window. Looking at him, I take both his hands, dragging the attention onto me. "Do you want to do this?"

"Only with you." He chuckles and looks at me, his charisma gleaming. 

Just before the cheering, Keefe spun and tipped me over for the last time, this time our faces meeting while our lips touched. The bell rang, and the distance closed once again between us. Time slowed, and it was just them. The cheering cut out, and honking mellowed down. What mattered was them, and the kiss bonding their for another year and more to come. 

author's note:

oh my gosh guys, it's been too long. a month to be exact. let's just say, it's been a little rough. but i have a long weekend coming up. maybe i'll write something. but i dont know, but i dont really like this chapter. tell me if you do! thanks for the support guys!!

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