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disclaimer: this used to be titled, "never" but I changed it because it suited the story better. 


Even though Sophie was considered intelligent, she was never able to figure out a way to avoid getting injured. So, once again, she ended up at Elwin's clinic. 

This time, it was mentally rather than physically. She blushed in embarrassment  just thinking about what happened. Her and Fitz were together and were trying to test new paths in each other's brains to see what memory was found at then. After a few rounds,  Fitz found something a bit weird. The conversation went a bit like this: 

"Um. Sir Tiergan. Have you ever seen a path lead to a volcano, but it's cold?" Fitz squinted his eyes at bit. "Because I have no idea what that means."

Sophie didn't know what she was looking at. Fitz described it in the best way. There was a steamy, bubbling volcano, but it felt like you were dunked in an ice - tub rather than being submerged in a pool of lava. 

"No, I haven't. Fitz, leave her mind please." He did as he said and once Fitz was back in their conscious state, he found a worried Sir Tiergan. 

On the other hand, they both were confused. "What do you think it could be?" Fitz spoke.

"That's what I'm worried about. I've read almost every telepathy book, and none of them mentions something like that. Sophie, are you feeling okay?"

"Yep." Well, not really. Sophie had been having massive headaches and she felt dizzier than usual. She knew why, but it was better off not said. 

"Um, Sophie?" That snapped her back to reality. Fitz looked at me with his eyes wide.  "You don't look very well." 

While Tiergan nodded, he made a pass for her to go to the clinic, but for some reason, it took a while for him to write it. 

When she entered the Healing Center, a familiar voice greeted her. "Sophie! It's been too long, hasn't it?" This time, he wore a shirt covered with Gulons and his socks were sprinkled with blue polka dots. 

She rolled her eyes at his filthy remark. "Elwin. It's only been a day."

He touched his hand to his chin. "Huh. That's why it felt longer then usual." He then proceeded to chuckle at his own joke. 

"Anyway, why are you sent here? You look fine." He brought a microscope and looked at her arm, face, and hair. 

While he was doing whatever Elwin does, she proceeded to talk. "Sir Tiergan sent me here for some reason. He also wanted me to give you this." She shuffled through her pockets and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. 

He took the paper and stopped his weird science experiment on Sophie. He opened and read the paper, looked at Sophie, back at the paper, and lastly at her. Sophie felt like those criminals in the movies when they've commited a serious crime. 

At some point, she couldn't take his glare. With her hands up, she shouted, "What?"

He took a look around her and answered her question. "Sophie, have you been having more headaches? And I swear, if you lie, I will call Keefe here because I know he'll sense it."

As if life were a musical, Keefe appeared into the room. "Sense what lie? Hey guys! Did you miss me?"

"Sophie's been having headaches. Do you know about this?"

Keefe's face turned serious. Then, he showed a strike of anger. "What?" He made eye contact at Sophie. She looked down instead of holding his gaze. 

Elwin looked back and forth between the 2 of them and came to a solution. "You know what? I'm going to be in the other room. If you need me, just holler!" He scurried out of the room. 

After Elwin left, Keefe took a seat next to her on the cot. He put his hands on hers and investigated her emotions. Within a second, he muttered, "What happened?"

Even though Sophie was stronger than others, she needed to let go. Her eyes poured out tears as she put her head on her knees. She shook as she sobbed and whispered, "They died. I put them in danger." She took a breath as if she was going to say something, but sobs came out instead. 

That meant that Keefe had to guess. It couldn't be any of their friends. It's not Edaline or Grady. It had to be someone that they didn't see often, but cared about all the same. That narrowed his options. His eyes widened. He'd figured it out. 

He looked at her. "Amy and their family? Neverseen? Headaches?" The only response was her hugging him harder. That was enough. The pieces started to fit.  He froze thinking about his last words to Amy. 

They were together outside on the exit of Havenfield. She was a few inches shorter than Sophie, but she still stood as confident as her. Apparenty, it runs in the family. Her hair was wavy and went up to her shoulders. It was a brown that resembled mud or the chocolate on the E.L Fudges. 

If you looked at Sophie and Amy beside each other, you couldn't tell they're sisters. But Keefe knew that was because Sophie didn't really have any of her old family's genetics. 

Amy looked him dead in the eyes as she began to speak. 

"I love my sister even though she's an elf. You know that. I've only been here for a day, and I know you like her. You've liked her since the day I met you. And she finally likes you. I'm guessing your together?" He nodded slowly. 

She smiled a little. "I think you guys were meant to be. And I'm happy for you two. I am." It sounded like this part was more for her than Keefe. Despite that, he stood still.

She continued. "You're a good guy Keefe. Even though you definitely disappointed Sophie when you left," he winced, "I know you only left because you thought it would protect her. But I swear, if you break Sophie's heart, I will kill you. A human can't be punished in the elf world without too much suspicion. You're a good guy. But remember this: If I had to save one of you, it would be Sophie. No matter what. It's always going to be her. Always."

The memory faded back into reality. Time hadn't changed. Sophie was still sobbing, and Elwin was in the other room. Time was frozen until Sophie spoke. "Keefe? Can you stay longer? I know you have class but, -" 

He'd thought about Amy and cut her off. "Yes. I will. I'll tell Elwin. I promise I won't leave until you feel better."

She looked up at him. "Promise?"

He smiled and pulled back her hair. He then spoke with full confidence. "Promise."

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