-was it really betrayal-

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In an instant, another elf drops to the marbled floor. There's a thud, but I'm used to it. I open and close my hands again as I pass the body. Lady Gisela stands near a delicate window. Looking away from her hands she smiles towards me. "Did you kill him?"

My eyes close for a second. Kill. I killed him without a second glance. I don't know whether he had kids, a family to take care of, or if he was even a good person. I just killed him without a second thought. His face strikes me once again. Shocked, hurt, and knowing. The face most make when they figure out they're about to die, whether they like it or not. My eyes flutter back open and I nod sternly. 

Satisfied, she glances at her pale hand with long, almond shaped nails. "Good. You're getting the hang of how things work here. If only Keefe could see you. You would've convinced him. You could convince him to do anything." Sighing, she walks away and up a set of stairs. Her heels click on every step. 

Breathing deeply, I press my hand against the cold wall. If only Keefe could see you. If only he was here. Whenever his name appears, the worst memory follows it. Flashes hit me and leave me winded, kneeling on the floor. 

Him unconscious in the middle of a battlefield. Myself, running after him, without a care in the world. My breath slowly staggers as smoke coats the side of my throat. His body gets closer, but then a hand grasps mine. Mr. Forkle, telling me I could die saving him. My ears ring as I yank my arm away from his grasp yelling that I don't care if I die. That I'll die for him. Through the corner of my eyes, I see the rise and fall of his chest getting smaller and smaller each breath. A pain in my neck reminds me I'm not alone. Struggling to get to Keefe, I find myself moving farther away, in the opposite direction.

The next thing I knew, I was standing, attending his funeral. In a ruby dress with shedded tears, I sit on a tree trunk in the middle of the forest, avoiding the sight of any elves. A note crumpled in my hand. Those you seek, find in those who spirits lie. She found herself  waiting to be drugged again, or a stab to her neck. However, a grasp of her wrist was all she got. 

Keefe's mom stood, her arm coiled around Sophie's. Their conversation short and sweet. 

"You wanted to meet?" Her voice cunning like snake. 

Sophie shook her head. "Didn't attend the funeral? Even for your son." 

Hurt flashed in her eyes, but left without a trace. "Work calls. Stop avoiding the question. Why are you here, Moonlark?"


As a sly smirk appeared on her face, Lady Gisela stated, "Then, welcome."

Now, I stood, as a murderer for the Neverseen. I keep telling myself this was all for him. That things could've been different if Keefe was here. But he's not. I chose this life for myself. I knew what I was getting into. 

One day, I wanted to be the one to make Mr. Forkle cry when someone he loved was about to die. The one to see him crumble even if his body was intact. That feeling when you know you should do something, but you can't. Ultimately, there's two choices. They die, or you both die. Mr. Forkle will choose to save himself, but little does he know, he'll still be dead.

However, I never realized the downsides that came with pursuing that dream. That day, after the funeral, I knew I had to tell Grady and Edaline. They held my petite hand, Grady begging me not to do this. Edaline telling Grady it was probably for the best. That the Neverseen would have to keep me alive. The hurt in his eyes when he knew my decision was final even if he disagreed. Yet, they kissed my cheek for the last time. I told them I would never hurt them, and they just nodded. 

Since then, I haven't looked back. My wedding ring still stays on ring finger. Despite that, all ties from my old life have been disconnected. Maybe it's better this way. I won't endanger the Black Swan, and I'll still be alive. But there's no point in trying to look for the good. I came seeking revenge, waiting for the day I would call fury on the battlefield. No limits, just power surging through my body. 

And that day, I'd finally be satisfied. 

author's note:

hello! i wrote this because usually, I see a lot of people write about keefe switching sides, but I wanted to change it up. hopefully you liked it!

until i found you ||| sokeefe oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin