-i'm a treat-

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"Keefe! If you keep eating all the cookie dough, we're not going to have any cookies to eat." Sophie snatched the box of cookie dough and cradled it like a newborn. 

He shoved all of the chocolate chip dough into his mouth. His eyes gleamed with delight. "But it's soo good." He continued to stuff his face with the delictable dough. 

"You do realize that you could get sick because of the raw eggs, right?" She set the box of dough aside, away from Keefe's grasp. 

With the last piece in his hand, he plopped it into his mouth. With a satisfied face, he looked at her and spoke 2 words. "Worth it."

She rolled her eyes and started putting the cookie dough onto the baking sheet. Keefe sooned join after to 'help'. She knew he was only there to sneak pieces of chocolate chips into his mouth while handing chunks to Sophie.

"Oops. There are few on the floor."He then crouched down to the floor to retrieve the dropped chocolate.

A minute later, he wasn't up yet. Sophie realized when there were no more cookie dough balls to put on the baking pan. She turned to her side at loked down to find a guilty Keefe. 

On the floor, Keefe looked up at her with widened, guilty eyes. The bag of chocolate chips was nestled in his hands while his mouth looked as big as chipmunks. 

He tried to speak, but chocolate just spilt all over the floor instead. She sighed and took the bag from his hands and put it on the kitchen counter. 

After his stomach consumed the remaining chocolate chips, he began to speak once again. He always had something to say. "What? Stop glaring at me!" He put his hands up in the air. 

She shook her head. "Look at the mess on the floor. You know how we could've avoided that? If you didn't eat half the chocolate chips!"

He touched her shoulder. Instantly, her body relaxed and was removed from its rigid state. "I'm sorry Foster. It was still really tasty and worth it, but I'm sorry."

"Maybe I'll forgive you if you vacuum up your mess." He chuckled and came back with the vacuum. 

While he was cleaning up the floor, Sophie put the cookies in the oven to cook. She also set a timer for when to take them out. 

Once they were done, they sat on the couch. Sighing, Sophie put her legs up while Keefe turned on some music. Keefe sat next to her so she could put her head on his shoulder. And of course, that's what he did. 

"Today was interesting." Sophie giggled to herself. 

"Yep. And yummy. Speaking of things that are yummy, I have a treat that's better than any cookie."

Sophie looked up at him. Her eyebrows shot up and her head tilted upwards. And what's that?" She smiled. 

He started pointing to himself and his eyes lit up light they were on fire. "It's me! I'm a treat."

Sophie snorted louder than ever before and fell on his chest. Her giggles were inaudible, but it kept going. She finally took a few deep breath to calm herselft down. Unfortunately, the laughs crawled up her throat once again. 

After 3 tries, she was finally stable. Keefe looked unphased. "You agree, right? I mean, with all my muscle and personality, I'm worth much more than those cookies."

"Yep Keefe. You're definitely a treat." She deadpanned. 

"What if I sweeten the deal with a few kisses?"

"Oohh! It's a buy one get one! Ok. I'll buy you as a treat."


On the way to get the cookies, Keefe came and kissed as many times as someone could while there is scorching hot pan that your girlfriend is twirling around. 

Once the cookies cooled, they bundled together and fed each other cookies.

"Are these better than the cookie dough batter?" 

He vigoursly nodded while fitting three more in his mouth. 

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