-a gift-

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"Keefe! Stop pestering me!" Sophie whined while trying to concentrate on my math homework. Key word: concentrate. 

For the past hour, Keefe had been trying to snatch her attention, so that they could spend time together, but she was determined to finish before the weekend. However, the pile of papers wasn't showing much wear.

He pleaded like a toddler. "Please? Please? Please?"

"No! I really want to finish. After that, I'll be all yours," Sophie promised.

 Keefe pouted. "But I want to show you a suprise right now!" 

Her interest peaked. Sophie turned and looked to see any of signs of him lying. A twitch, deeper breaths, fidgeting, anything. "A suprise? Like a gift? And you didn't mention it sooner?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

He finally pulled her in. Now, it was time for him to set the bait. He inched a bit closer towards Sophie. "Well, it's certainly a gift. For both of us. I wanted to save it it, but you have to see it now."

The only thing Keefe would ever want is the ability to show off his hair and muscles at any point of the day. That's why Sophie was confused. What could he possibly want out of her gift? 

Even though she wanted to finish her work, her mind had already spewed out an answer. "Fine. Show me this gift. But it better not be a waste of my time."

He looked back and glared at her. "Has it ever?"

With a satisfied, crooked smile on his face, he instructed Sophie to cover her eyes with her hands while he brought out his little gift. "Ok. I'm ready. Don't peek. Open your eyes in 3, 2, 1!"

Once Sophie's eyes were uncovered, she was looking at Keefe with jazz hands and his mouth wide open. He stood in front of her bedroom door.  His eyes were ice - blue  and saturated with joy. On the other hand, Sophie's were squinted but full of confusion. She looked around to see anything sticking out in her bedroom. But everything was left untouched.

Sophie broke the bubbling silence growing between them in her room. "Um, Keefe, but what am I supposed to see?" 

He sighed a little. "You don't see it yet? The suprise....drumroll please....is me! You see, why have a normal gift when you can have the Keefester?!" 

Keefe then proceeded to point his fingers at himself and winked. 

She crossed her arms."I thought you were going to give me an actual gift." She huffed.

He started frowning and looked at her with big, puffy eyes. "But I did Foster. Aren't I a better gift then anything?" 

"Does the gift include you pranking me or no?" She craned her head and smirked at him. 

 He whined. "But that's half the package!"

While she was laughing, the distance between them become suffocating. Sophie collided into Keefe's chest. It was a rare sight for Sophie to be the one hugging him first. It wasn't that she didn't care for him any less than he did. Keefe was just the more romantic person in the relationship. 

After Keefe picked and twirled her in the air, he said, "So, do you still want your gift?" 

She wrapped her thin arms around his neck. They rocked side to side as she replied. 

"If it means you, yes. Every day."

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