☀️ Chapter Fifteen 🌑

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Gertok Galaxy
Planet Celestine
The Celestine Kingdom
The Castle of Dragons

"Chenoa!" Solana's shrill voice exclaimed, drawing out the syllables in the young girl's name for three seconds each. She pivoted on her heels, whipping her head around and narrowing her fiery orange eyes. "Will you cut it out?"

Chenoa groaned loudly, throwing her head back and her hands in the air. "I'm trying to help you! You're not exactly the brightest light bulb in the box right now, Princess Solana," She snapped, condescendingly saying her name.

Solana frowned, narrowing her eyes as she clenched her fists at her side as if anger was radiating off her. "I beg your pardon? Do you know who you are addressing? I will not tolerate your condescending tone," She snapped right back.

Chenoa sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm herself from insulting the Solari Princess. "Princess Solana," She slightly hissed, not caring how she addressed her. "I'm trying to code a VPN so you can continue to contact the Galactic Alliance or whatever."

Solana moved her hands to her hips and rapidly tapped her foot on the floor impatiently. "I do not know what a VPN is, but I certainly do not need that." She adamantly insisted, her tone forceful.

Chenoa scoffed, running her hands through her hair out of exasperation. "A VPN stands for virtual private network. It protects its users by encrypting their data and masking their IP addresses so that their browsing activity, identity, and location are hidden." She exclaimed, lacing her fingers in her hair and groaning.

Solana shook her head and swiped her hands in front of her. "That is ridiculous! I do not need that. I am perfectly fine with how things are right now. Forget your little VPN and get out of MY system!" She yelled, pointing to Chenoa and then to herself.

Chenoa sucked in a deep breath and held it for a moment. "You're poking around sending signals out into space! This planet has been dead for 10,000 years. What would the Cerkoik think if there were suddenly signals coming from this planet? They'd pop over, see us and that would be the end. We'd all be dead." 

Solana shook her head as her long ponytail swished back and forth. "You do not know that for sure. You can not say one way or another. You have never been in my spot before, therefore, you have no idea what could happen -" She said, moving her arms back over her chest.

Chenoa quickly quipped, cutting her off. "Oh, on the contrary, I do know for sure. It's only reasonable, considering what little we know about them." She put her hands together and rested the tips of her fingers against her lips. "Just let me do this so we can take extra precautions."

Solana clenched her jaw, not wanting to admit that she was right. "Just do it quickly so I can go back to finding some aid." She forcefully said through her gritted teeth as her fists clenched at her hips.

Chenoa rolled her eyes, mumbling some insults under her breath so that Solana wouldn't hear it. 'That girl is going to be the death of me.' She thought to herself, bobbing her head and facing various expressions on her face.

General Nox strolled into the room just as things were getting heated between the two. "How are things, Princess Solana?" He asked, nodding to Chenoa was also in the room since Solana was in his view first. 

Solana sighed softly, moving her hand to her cheek. "Not going as well as I hoped. I can not do anything until Chenoa, over there, finishes coding a VPN to protect us." She bobbed her head towards Chenoa as Nox turned his attention to the younger girl.

Chenoa clenched her jaw and removed her hands from her keyboard. "You make it sound like it's a bad thing! It's a good thing because then prying eyes can't find us, considering how unprepared we would be if we were attacked." She passive-aggressively explained through gritted teeth.

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