☀️ Chapter Three 🌑

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Milky Way Galaxy
Planet Earth 
Desert Sands, Nevada
Desert Sands Prep Academy

Summer Dawn Wu rushed up to her friends, who were in the courtyard. "Hey, guys! Look what my lăo lao sent me," She called, sitting down on the ground beside Hara, pushing her short black hair from her face, her brown eyes sparkling as she pulled out a tin and opened it up.

Logan peered over Hara's shoulder, leaning away from the tree. "Ooh, osmanthus cakes! Your grandma is spoiling you S.D." He said, his mouth watering at the colorful look and sweet smell of them.

Summer Dawn giggled at Logan and offered the tin out to her friends. "Yeah, she does that a lot. She said she'll try and come for a visit next week and bring lăo ye with her since my parents are unable to come." She exclaimed, stuffing a sweet cake into her mouth.

Hara took a bite out of the light yet flavorful cake and laid back on the grass, looking up at the sun peaking through the trees. "I'd love it if my parents would come down once to visit me. It seems they are always busy and the only time I see them is in a video chat or during summer." She sighed heavily.

Logan reached over and gently nudged her shoulder. "Hey, at least your parents don't check in on you every single day, morning and evening." He shook his head at the recollection. 

Hara reached over and pinched his cheek, cooing. "Aww, they only wanna check up on their little genius." She teased in a baby voice followed by a laugh, failing to notice Logan's red face.

Logan swatted her hand away, slumping his shoulders and looking towards the ground. "Hmph," He huffed, childishly crossing his arms over his chest. "Be glad you're my friend or else I'd punch you."

Summer Dawn grinned as she watched Hara and Logan, they were such an amusing pair together. "Hara, where is your sister?" She asked, turning to the dark-haired girl and leaning back against the tree.

Hara groaned, lacing her fingers together and putting them over her eyes. "Don't know. Don't care. She already hates me and thinks I'm too bossy. She's probably with her friends or causing some chaos in the computer lab." She replied, annoyance laced in her voice.

"Or maybe she's hacking into the principal's computer." Logan suggested, earning an eye roll from Hara. "What? It's true, she could be trolling the computer lab too. Poor Mr. Agreste."

Hara scoffed, shaking her head. "She didn't hack it, she guessed it. He uses the same password for everything anyways, she was giving a warning not to do it again." She explained, letting her hands flop to her side. "And Mr. Agreste isn't exactly the nicest teacher."

"Hara, you give your little sister far too little credit. Anyone would be blessed to have a sibling whether they were annoying or not." She poked Hara's cheek with her finger. 

Logan nodded his head along with everything that Summer Dawn had said. "My sisters used to be that way with me until I came here at the start of elementary school." He smiled at the memory. 

"Your sisters didn't come into your room and steal your things because they like them and want them for themselves. Then they fight you for it when you find that they have it and end up with battle scars over the issue." Hara explained, crossing her arms and her legs.

"I am the youngest in my family so I never experienced it but I'm sure my sisters' did with each other." Logan said, shoving the rest of the osmanthus cake into his mouth. "Next time we talk I'll ask for stories."

Something out of the corner of Summer Dawn's eyes caught her attention. "Varian? Why is he sneaking into his car?" She asked her friends, watching him toss his backpack into his trunk before walking around and unlocking the door.

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