🍓 Chapter 18 - Peacemaker 🍓

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"What?!" Dusky's enraged shriek echoed through the cave.

"Dusky, I'm sorry!" Bumblebee tried to hold him down, but the SilkWing flared up onto his hind legs.

"Auklet left me?" He whimpered, a flash of sadness passing through the rage. His wings fluttered nervously.

"She didn't leave you, I promise!" Peacemaker took a step forwards, gathering the courage to speak. Cliff tried to hold him back but Peacemaker shrugged him away.

Dusky has dropped onto the ground, shaking. "She told me she'd be here for me, she really did!"

Bumblebee wrapped a wing around him. "It wasn't her choice, I swear."

"Yeah," Cliff piped up. "Queen Coral took her!"

Peacemaker was quiet. Dusky was probably heartbroken. If Cliff had said he would be there for Peacemaker before he was enclosed in silk for a couple days, and he woke up to no Cliff, he would act the same.

"I think we should get him back to Luna. The healers might have something to help." Bumblebee muttered, leading Dusky toward the Nurses' Cave.

Cliff, Peacemaker and Mink were left in silence.

"I'll be in my cave," Mink swiped around, her tail hitting the ground and making the icy-cold sound of shattering glass as she brushed against the stone.

Cliff turned to Peacemaker. "I don't think we should be here. Let's go."

Peacemaker nodded, trailing after Cliff as he lead the way to their cave. "Cliff, do you think Auklet's gonna come back?" He asked.

"Of course she will." Cliff answered quickly, and sounded mostly sure, but there was a hint of worry in his tone. "She's Auklet, of course she'll find a way back."

Peacemaker ducked his head, watching his talons as they went one in front of the other, walking.

His feet lead him to his cave.

"Goodnight," Cliff glided to his small edge, curling up with his wings over his snout.

Peacemaker didn't bother to say goodnight himself. He was too tired. He flipped onto the leafy nest below, his frills shining dark navy blue.

As he was about to close his eyes, Peacemaker heard a whisper.

"Are you still awake?"

Cliff's head poked out from over the stone edge, his eyes curious and wide-awake.

"Yes." Peacemaker whispered back.

"I was thinking we could talk." Cliff's voice edged with worry, and a bit of a...scared tone.

"About what?" Peacemaker wondered aloud, sitting up.

"About me and you," Cliff paused to  deeply sigh. "Listen, Peacemaker. I've caught feelings for you. Since Dusky's metamorphosis started."

Peacemaker's jaw fell slightly open. "Really?" His frills deepened to a magenta color.

"Yeah," Cliff let out a snort. "I can't be with you though. Ruby- Queen Ruby wouldn't want me to be with a NightWing, let alone someone that isn't fit to be a queen.."

"I'm sure it's gonna be fine," Peacemaker blurted out. "I feel the same."

Cliff blinked as if he didn't believe his ears. He laughed awkwardly. "No one will care?" He asked.

Peacemaker nodded. "We actually have pride parades every year in the Rainforest." He admitted sheepishly.

Cliff exhaled deeper than Peacemaker could have imagined possible.

"Good. I hope we can have pride parades in the Sky Kingdom one day." Cliff murmured.

Peacemaker forced his frills to turn different shades of green, white and blue. "You will. And for now, no one will care."

"Thanks," Cliff seemed to stumble over his words, turning back to his cliff. "Talk to you tomorrow, then."

Peacemaker's frills turned a bright yellow as he snuggled into his bed. "Yeah."

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