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Ruby sighed.

All the queens were there, except Jewel and that SilkWing...what was her name again?

Luna. That's it.

Coral cleared her throat. "So." She broke the awkward silence surrounding the dragon queens.

"Who should we send to Jade Mountain?" Glory asked. Moorhen only kept quiet and shrugged.

"I have ideas." Glory went on. "Like...we could send some hybrids this time. Peacemaker would love to go, I know it."

"The little RainWing and NightWing hybrid?" Moorhen perked up. "He seems nice."

"Hm." Hazel's wings flicked. "I think that Holly, Thorns and Yarrow would go."

The queens muttered in agreement.

"What about Cliff?" Coral turned to Ruby.

Ruby was silent for a moment. "I'll send him with a guard. Peril."

"Are we sure about that?" Thorn of the SandWings growled. "Peril is dangerous."

"I'm sure." Ruby responded. "It'll be fine, and if she hurts anyone, blame it on me."

Coral nodded. "I can send some commoners. No more of my daughters or sons."

The queens once again muttered in agreement.

"I can send...Mink. Auk. And Sunrise." Snowfall murmured, half to herself.

"It's settled then." Glory shook her wings out, and the scales around her eyes turned a shade of lime green. "We'll send a messenger to Pantala for Luna and Jewel, and we can run the school soon."

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