🐝 Chapter 12 - Bumblebee 🐝

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Bumblebee sighed. Auklet was asleep and she didn't have anyone to talk to.

It was decently late at night, the three moons shining it's light through the leafy windows. Bumblebee fluttered from her perch on her silk hammock, careful not to wake Auklet.

She tip-toed out of the cave, wandering the halls of Jade Mountain. She could hear snoring from pretty much every cave she passed.

And then she hit something. Bumblebee nearly yelped as she looked up. A mint-green SilkWing stared back at her.

"Bumblebee?" The SilkWing looked shocked.

"Luna?" Bumblebee took a step back from the SilkWing.

"Why are you awake?" Luna asked.

Bumblebee fluttered her wings. "What are you doing here?" She countered.

"I'm here for Dusky." Luna's talons twitched as if she wanted to run. "Do you know where he is?"

"Dusky?" Bumblebee thought for a minute. "He's Mink's Clawmate, so he's gotta be with Mink."

Luna nodded. "Do you know where their cave is?" She asked, urgency in her voice.

"It's...um...it's in the Jade area. I don't know where exactly. I can help you look, though."

Luna looked relived. "Thanks, Bumblebee. The messenger that Tsunami sent didn't tell me much."

"What about Dusky's mom?" Bumblebee asked. Surely his own mother would be there.

"She..uh..couldn't make it." Luna stammered, beginning to walk to the Jade Winglet caves. Bumblebee ran after her.

"It's the one with the ice sculptures in the front of the cave!" Bumblebee remembered.

Luna nodded, walking briskly. The two halted in front of Mink and Dusky's cave.

"This is it?" Luna asked quietly. Bumblebee nodded and the two cautiously made their way inside.

Mink was walking around, pacing in circles. She looked startled as she noticed the two Pantalan dragons.

Bumblebee rushed forwards and slapped her tail against Mink's snout to stop her from screaming.

"What are you doing here?" Mink asked when Bumblebee took a step back. "Who is that?" Mink pointed a claw at Luna.

"This is Luna." Bumblebee began. "She's here for Dusky."

Mink nodded. "I can lead you to him." She said, scampering over to a small floating globe on a rock shelf. With one touch, the globe lit up.

Dusky's cave loomed ahead. Luna ran straight for it. "Dusky?" She called.

Bumblebee and Mink followed quietly. "He might be asleep-" Mink whispered.

Dusky lifted his head. He looked limp, except for his head. "Dusky? Dusky!" Luna cried, flapping her wings. "It'll be okay. We need to get you somewhere safe!"

And with those words, Luna hauled the SilkWing dragonet onto her back and raced out of the cave.

Mink's wings flicked and scampered after her Clawmate. Bumblebee's mind whirled as she ran as well.

Panting, the three dragons stopped running.

"What in the three moons are you doing?" Mink cried, outraged. "That's my Clawmate!"

"And I know what to do for him! Now shush and let me focus!" Luna snapped back. Bumblebee stayed quiet.

She dropped Dusky with a thump. "Stay here. If anything happens, call for me, okay?" She told the dragonets.

Bumblebee nodded. "Of course." She'd never experienced a metamorphosis, but by the way Luna was acting, it seemed like a big deal.

Dusky groaned, and Mink was at his side in an instant. "Get the others, please. I'm sure they would want to see Dusky before he gets his wings."

Bumblebee nodded blankly and scampered away. The halls were too quiet for her liking.

She poked her head into Peacemaker and Cliff's cave.

The two dragonets were sleeping beside each other infront of some scrolls. Cliff's wing draped around Peacemaker.

"Hey!" Bumblebee called. Peacemaker jolted awake, noticing Cliff beside him. The hybrid scrambled to his feet, blushing. His wings shimmered bright green.

Cliff ducked away from Peacemaker, his eyes tired. "What's wrong?"

Bumblebee surpressed a snicker. "Dusky. It's Dusky. He's...um...just follow me!"

Cliff and Peacemaker glanced at each other, but nodded. The two pelted after Bumblebee in the halls.

Bumblebee came to a halt where Dusky was. Luna had dropped him in the Great Hall. He looked even more sickly, but Mink had propped him upright.

Cliff ran to Dusky. "Is he okay?" He asked Mink.

The rest of their conversation withered away as Bumblebee went to fetch Auklet.

"Auklet!" She yelped into their cave. "Dusky's getting his wings soon!"

In an instant, Auklet was awake and by Bumblebee's side. The two raced towards the Great Hall.

By the time they got there, Luna was fretting, her wings fluttering.

"Are you okay?" Mink was asking Dusky. Dusky's talons shook and he didn't respond.

"Let him be!" Luna scolded, stepping away and smacking Mink lightly with her tail.

Bumblebee froze. Dragons poked their heads out of caves.

A RainWing stopped at the Great Hall. His eyes were terrified.

A SandWing and a MudWing poked their heads out of a cave and watched.

Clay, Tsunami and Sunny all ran to see Luna.

Questions flew around the room.

"Is he okay?" A dragonet asked.

"Luna! You should have told us you were here!" Tsunami yelped.

"Dusky, can you hear me? I'll be here, always! I promise!" Auklet cried, being dragged back by Pineapple.

"Cliff, what's happening?" Peacemaker worried.

The hybrid took a shaky step back and buried his head into Cliff's shoulder.

When Bumblebee looked back at Dusky, she saw what terrified them all. Silk whirled around the dragonet, and Dusky didn't make a sound.

Luna watched, her talons shaking, and Mink hid behind the SilkWing.

"It's started." Luna said after the noise and commotion died down. "There's no going back now."

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