Episode 17: The Son Rises Again

Start from the beginning

The Waddle Dee squeaked a bit, "Okay, so there may be a slight issue..." A fireball was shot through the window, destroying a poster that showed a cat hanging from a tree branch, "Scratch that, a big issue!"

"Meta Knight!" A familiar voice shouted, "Are you in there?"

"Come fight me, you coward!" He shouted, still sick in bed.

Tiff threw a blanket over his mouth, whispering, "Are you crazy?"

"Even if I cannot see very well, and even if my body feels like collapsing in on itself, I will fight on!" Meta Knight said triumphantly, before feeling a prick in his arm. Looking over his shoulder pad, he saw Dr. Yabui, holding an empty syringe. "Oh, no..." he said before going limp and falling unconscious.

Tiff frantically tried to think of a plan. It didn't take long for a half-baked idea to hit her. "Bandana Dee, you and Kirby hold that guy off until Meta Knight wakes up," She grabbed the Star Warrior and pointed out the door, "Tuff and I will hide him somewhere safe."

The warrior children nodded as the wall began to break open. Tiff and the doctor ran out carrying Meta Knight, leaving Kirby and Bandana Dee to face their foe.

Kirby recognized him instantly. From the blonde hair to his blue shoes. He let out a little squeak in worry.

Knuckle Joe.


He's back...

King Dedede had been preparing to go to sleep when Zero spoke, making him jump. Escargoon was about to leave when he heard a gasp.

"What is it, sire?" The snail said, scared of any Dark Matter that might have been around.

"Just..." The king thought of an excuse in about two seconds, "thought I saw a spider, it was just a bunch of yarn under the table, hehah!" Escargoon shrugged before leaving the room, and King Dedede brought his attention to Zero, who seemed strangely happy. "Who's back?" He whispered.

Knuckle Joe. I have been waiting for this moment. 

"What's special about him again?"

He was my only willing subject. I can sense that he is ready to fight once more. I have a genius plan prepared, but it will take a lot out of me.

"What is it?"

We are going to give him the vengeance he so craves...


The brawler picked up Kirby, holding him by his cheeks. "Where is he?" He shouted, "Where is that traitor, Meta Knight?"

Bandana Dee ran out of the room, leaving the pink puffball to defend himself. Kirby squirmed, trying to kick Knuckle Joe into letting him free. As his captor began preparing an uppercut, Kirby got an idea. He began to inhale, making his foe throw him out of survival instinct. He landed outside of the hospital wall, dazed.

Not exactly as planned, but close enough.

Knuckle Joe charged up a Force Blast and fired it at the young Star Warrior, who inhaled it to become Fighter Kirby. The two charged at each other and became a flurry of fists, each trying to knock the other one out. It seemed to be a stalemate until Knuckle Joe dodged behind Kirby, grabbing him.

A green blur rammed into them. Kirby recovered quickly, seeing Blade Knight pinning Knuckle Joe into the ground. Kirby was relieved to see him.

"Hope we're not late to the party!" Bandana Dee said, running out alongside Waddle Doo and Sailor Dee.

Furious, Knuckle Joe kicked Blade Knight away, forcing him back a few meters. This was a bad decision, as he was now surrounded by four very capable warriors (and Waddle Doo). Nobody expected him to surrender, but to their pleasant surprise, he did.

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