Start from the beginning

"Did you hear that?" Jennie suddenly asked making Lisa jump again quickly clasping her hand around Jungkook's. Silently Jennie winked at Jungkook who glanced back at her realizing she just made it up. With a smile, he looked forward tightly fixing his grip with Lisa's making sure she felt safe and comfortable by his side.

Soon enough after fifteen minutes of walking through the dark woods a gigantic building came into view causing the group to retreat behind a few trees hiding themselves from view. The whole place was surrounded by a metal fence that blocked the teen's path from entering without any trouble. Luckily for them, the place was not filled with heavily armed men patrolling the grounds so they weren't easily spotted. Just silence with a few chirps from crickets carrying in the wind.

"Shit, how the hell are we supposed to get inside?" Taehyung questioned noticing a few military vehicles in the parking lot of the building.

Jungkook walked up to the fence briefly glancing around before he took off his backpack zipping it open. "What the hell are you doing!" Lisa lowly shouted afraid if she spoke any louder they would be spotted by someone.

Jungkook simply took out a pair of bolt cutters from his bag and began cutting pieces of the fence so they could get through. "Figured a place like this would have secure fencing around so I brought these." He explained finishing his final cut. Placing the cutters back in his bag he grabbed the fence causing Taehyung to instantly move forward and help him pull on it a bit. "Voila." He said proud of his work.

Jennie's jaw dropped a bit showcasing she was impressed by his quick thinking. "Nice!" She complimented him before carefully entering the small entrance.

Jungkook expectingly glanced over toward Lisa his eyes shining with pride. Lisa simply gave him an eyebrow lift and walked forward. This made Jungkook frown in disappointment. "Good job." She softly muttered causing the corners of Jungkook's lips to rise.

Taehyung raised his camera snapping a few photos of the outside lab hoping they could use it for some evidence. Looking around he spotted an entrance door. "Over there." He informed the rest of the group and they quickly headed toward the door. He placed his hand on the doorknob glancing back at his friends who defensively raised their defense weapons. With a small nod, he twisted the handle slowly applying pressure as he pushed the door open, well tried to at least. The door stayed unmoving causing Taehyung to fumble the door handle a bit in irritation. "Shit, it's not opening." He informed his friends who nervously eyed around as he continued to pull on the metal knob.

"There's gotta be another way in." Jennie muttered as she flipped her head over her shoulder in hopes of seeing another entryway. With furrowed brows, she quickly moved toward a different section of the building that was barely lit and twisted the door handle. Creak. Her eyes widened as she felt the door move when she pulled on it. Quickly she moved her flashlight toward her friends and flicked the on switch twice catching their attention. In an instant, they all ran in her direction quickly entering the building before anyone noticed their movements.

"Woah." Lisa muttered facing the long hallway that greeted them. Her grip on her wooden bat tightened subconsciously as she stared ahead. Something didn't feel right about the place.

"I'll take the lead." Taehyung said pushing his way in front of everyone with his revolver held high. He passed the camera to Jennie who hooked the lanyard around her neck ready to take any pictures they needed to help their case. Quickly they strolled forward glancing inside every open room they could hoping it would have something worth wild, but unfortunately, they were just empty offices. After turning a few corners they were met with a white hallway that was brightly lit.

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