The party

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(Also this is just a team party with Griff and a few other people from nationals team). I asked Poppy to play Ribs by Lorde and then I walked over to Ari before he could see Summer and Bax. I knew it would hurt Ari to see the girl he thought was going to be his girlfriend Dutch him for someone I thought was going to be my boyfriend.

Ari: Hi K

KeKoa: Dance with me

Ari: What

KeKoa: We danced a nationals together so dance with me

Poppy ran over and grabbed Marlon's hand pulling him into the empty space of the yard. I held out my hand and Ari took it smiling at me. We made our way towards Poppy and Marlon and started dancing.

Ari: How have you been lately K

KeKoa: Honestly I'm exhausted

Ari: And why's that

KeKoa: My dad was too surfer in Queensland and my mom has been too female adult surfer here since Margot and I'm constantly trying to live up to the Gonzalez name and become the top surfer from Queensland and Shore Haven

Ari: You already are top surfer KeKoa

KeKoa: Maybe but it doesn't feel like that I can't even be with the guy I want

Ari: You have to pick the right one just like you're picking the right wave KeKoa

KeKoa: But what if I think I picked the right one but it's a bad one

Ari: Move on and try again

KeKoa: Ari I'm sorry that I up and disappeared on you

Ari: It wasn't your fault

KeKoa: Yes it was

Ari: No it wasn't... we had something going for us KeKoa and I know you know we did and I let Summer kiss me and ruin things

KeKoa: Ari we did have something going for us and I still think about we're we would be if Summer hadn't kissed you but I'm not upset that she did

Ari: Why

KeKoa: It was a year ago and look at us now dancing in Poppy's yard just like we used to before Summer came along

Ari: You don't know how much I've need one of our talk and dance sessions

KeKoa: Me too Ari me too

Ari: Yeah

KeKoa: You know would you like to start those back up again

Ari: Yes

KeKoa: Alright

Ari: I've missed you Gonzalez

KeKoa: I've missed you too Gibson

We laughed as we spun around like idiots together. Ari started tickling me and I fell to the ground in a fit of laughter then the song stopped and we stood up and looked around.
Bodhi ran up to Poppy and I with Summer and Baxter following her. We're all standing next to each other when bodhi held Poppy's phone out to her.

Poppy: Yes we were having fun

Summer: Yeah if you mean my boyfriend flirting with another girl as fun totally

Ari: Summer you came in with Baxter so stop

Bodhi: You, KeKoa, and I need to do our dance

Poppy: Are you sure

KeKoa: Come on they'll love it

Summer: For me

Ari&Marlon: For KeKoa

Poppy: Fine but only for KeKoa

We all cheered and jumped around in excitement. I haven't danced with the girls in over a year I'll be surprised if I still know the choreography to anything. Poppy played Low By SZA and all 3 of us girls started dancing to it.

After we were done dancing at a the end of the song we all collapsed like it was apart of the dance. Ari pulled me up.

Ari: Ready to go


I pulled Poppy and Bodhi up.

Summer: See you tomorrow to catch some waves KeKoa

Poppy: Actually KeKoa and I are gonna catch some waves together tomorrow but you're more than welcome to come Ari will be there along with Marlon and Bodhi

KeKoa: You too Bax

Baxter: I'll pass

Summer: Yeah I'm good

Bodhi: Suit your selves th

Ari walked me home and wished me goodnight before he left. When he left o received a text from a group chat with Baxter, Summer, Ari, and I in it.

Best ones

Bax- Hi

Summer- Wth was that tonight

Ari🤍😆- What was what

Koa💜🌊- I have no clue what you're talking about

Summer- You guys were basically flirting all night

Ari- Oh that

Koa💜🌊- Oh yeah

Bax- Yeah

Koa💜🌊- Well you and Bax ditched Ari and I to hangout together so Ari and I went to the party together

Summer- Why do you care if I hangout with Bax so much KeKoa

Koa💜🌊- Because you're talking to Ari and you know I have feelings for Bax

Bax- What

Koa💜🌊- And you told him and a few others that Poppy and I had a thing going on

Summer- I'm sorry I really am

Koa 💜🌊 left the conversation

After leaving the conversation I ate a snack and went to bed. The next morning I woke up earlier than anyone else would be up. I woke up before the sun had fully risen, grabbed my board, pulled my bathing suit on, put my wetsuit half way on, and loaded up my car. Once I reached the beach I grabbed my bag, board, and keys before heading down to the sand. I was met by Baxter. I waxed my board pulled my wet suit all the way on and then we were off into the water. We each caught a few waves before stopping to sit on our board and watch the sunrise.

Baxter: I've known you had feelings for me all along

KeKoa: I would hope so I totally didn't admit them to you a week ago

Soon the rest of them joined us. They all caught a few waves and then we all talked for a bit but I was the first to head back into shore. I grabbed everything and loaded up my car and left before anyone could stop me to talk. I really didn't want to be with anyone but myself right now and I honestly don't know why.

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