Tea and more boo.

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We did pairs training Elo made Summer sit out this round. She then talked about how we had to rely on our partners and to trust them not to leave us hanging. We then took a team picture.

*Back home*

Poppy and I are hanging out with Summer at her place. We're all talking and having fun when Summer leaves 'cause she had to go home'. Once we knew Summer was gone Poppy and I looked and smiled at each other.

KeKoa: So you and Marlon huh

Poppy: Maybe... you and Bax huh

KeKoa: We may have shared a kiss last night

Poppy: Really

KeKoa: Yeah I was getting ready to come and check on you when I saw Ari leave Summer's tent and then I saw Baxter and I went to talk about him and I confessed my feelings we kissed more than once actually and then we split and I bet he's with Summer right now

Poppy screamed in joy as I laughed and soon we both were in a fit of laughter. I told her what Baxter had told me and what I had told him.

Poppy: Omg he said that he totally wants you

I had stayed the night at Poppy's that night. We  did face masks, watched movies, and talked about the team just like we used to almost a year ago.

*The next day*

Today is Wren's birthday at the Gibson's. Poppy and I got ready and then we left.

Poppy's outfit \/

Poppy's outfit \/

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(White converse)

My outfit\/

My outfit\/

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