Jackson Bay

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The girls and Inroad in the van with Manu and the boys road with Marlon's mom. The girls explained to Summer and I the rules that Luciana has at the house we were going to. Once we got to the house we unloaded all our bags into our rooms and then we ate. After eating we all talked and went to bed.

*The next morning*

We got to the beach and waited for mine and Poppy's heat to come up. When it ended Poppy placed first and I placed second . Then Bodhi and Summer's heat came up Bodhi tried to talk her out of it but Summer ignored her. While surfing Summer went into the soaps multiple times the she dropped in on Bodhi's wave knocking her to third meaning she won't even make it to state team. After today we went back to the house and all celebrated. I kept to myself though. I don't know what got into me today I had good waves but none of my scores were what I needed. I know it may be rude but I know that I can beat Poppy there was harder people in my comps back home so why couldn't I beat her today. We all went inside to our bedrooms. Summer and Bodhi talked about her messing up her heat and all that. Poppy walked in and asked what they were talking about.

KeKoa: Oh you know girly things Mani-pedis

Summer: Yeah right

Later that night Summer woke me up to tell me we were sneaking out and I refused no matter what I wasn't going to I needed the sleep. When they finally left me alone I went down in the kitchen and got a drink before I went and sat on the balcony getting some dress hair before I headed back to bed. On my way back in I heard a crash and ran inside and through the side door only to see Marlon in the bushes. I looked up to see everyone standing on the roof right when I grabbed a hold of Marlon's hand to help him up his mom and Manu walked out.

Luciana: What in the world oh my gosh are you two ok

KeKoa: I didn't sneak out I stayed inside I'm only up cause I was getting a glass of water when I heard something land in the bushes and when I came out I saw Marlon

Manu looked up at everybody disappointed before he went back inside. Luciana and I helped Marlon inside and up to his bed then I went back to bed.

* The next morning*

We were all sitting under our tent under the beach when all the sudden Manu sent us all off and told us to come back when we were ready to focus. I walked further down the beach to an isolated spot soon Bodhi, Poppy, and Summer joined us. I rolled my eyes not wanting to put up with their drama so I went and stood by the water and looked at the waves. I must have zoned out cause I felt Bodhi put her hand on my shoulder and it scared me.

Bodhi: Hey you alright

KeKoa: Yeah

I just shrugged her hand off and walked away. I made my way back to the tent and soon the team came too. It's was time for Poppy and I'd heat.

Poppy: Good luck Bay

KeKoa: You too Pop

Soon our heat started and we made our way out I caught the first wave it wasn't the best since it was pretty flat today but there were a couple waves.

Commentator: Here is Baylen's first big wave giving her a 8.0 is she gonna keep her spot

* After my heat*

I managed to take first but now It's Bodhi and all the other girl's heat. After that heat the girls who placed first or second in the other heats all went up against each other. When that heat ended Bohdi had cut me off for the last wave. I smacked the water out of anger cause Bodhi had now placed first and we all paddled back to shore. I walked up to our tent while everyone ran up to Bodhi. I threw my bird down, grabbed my phone and walked away. I called my mom and then went back to the team cause we were leaving for the house.

*Back home*

We finally made it back home after a long day we'll more or so I finally made it back home my mom was gonna be home late tonight and wanted to get her car unloaded so she had it for work tomorrow.  Soon mom got home and we unloaded her car and then went to bed. I woke up the next morning and we headed off to Sumtropix to wildcard trials. 

*Skip the heats*

Poppy and Bodhi both beat me. I love seeing them win but it hurt to know that my dad's death was getting in the way of me surfing. A lady who knew Bohdi came and talked to her and invited her for a new shoot. Summer and Bohdi made jokes and  then Molly came over and started talking to them again. Soon enough they were done and they left cause Bohdi had a shoot and Summer along with Marlon went with her.

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