Byron Bay and more

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Summer, Poppy, Bodhi, Wren and I were all in Byron bay for subtropix. Obviously I'm not apart of subtropix but Poppy invited me so I went and all the girls agreed I could stay with them but I refused. They asked where else I would go and I told them that my sister was coming to pick me up and take me to Queensland for a while. They all said alright and went inside. I walked down by the entrance road of the hotel when Tuscany pulled up. I quickly hopped in and we left. We sang our song together and we soon reached Queensland. I know what you're thinking ' Oh how could you leave Poppy, why would you leave, that's so rude' but I don't belong to any sponsors and I prefer to find one on my own through my talent and not my friends inviting me along for their little field trip. I would be back to them in the morning and they knew that. Tuscany and I had arrived at her place and grabbed the spare board I kept there before we headed to the water.

* Later*

After surfing for a while Tuscany and I went and got food before going back to her house and going to bed.

* The next morning*

I had returned to Byron Bay early that morning since Tuscany didn't want me to miss my plane. She dropped me off at the entrance of the walkway of the hotel and we said goodbye before parting our ways. I'm glad we had solved our problems and made up. When I arrived I walked in and was met by Wren. She showed me to where we were staying an caught me up on what Summer had done. When we walked in the room Summer walked out. We all talked about my visit with my sister and then they went and took pictures and I sat by the pool and took pictures.  After taking pictures for a while the girls came back and we all gathered our stuff took a picture together by the pool and then left for our plane. After getting back to shore-haven all of of us said goodbye and went home. When I got to my house I got a text from Summer saying that her and Ari aren't friends and she explained why. I told here that I didn't know what to say and that I would talk to her later.

*The next day*

We have training camp today.

*At training camp*

Elo's going on about stamping out bad habits when Baxter and Summer walk up late. I feel a hand on my shoulder only to know that it's Poppy's. I recently told her about my resurfaced feelings for Baxter and she must have been able to seee the hurt in my eyes in order for her to put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

*The next day*
Today is comp conditions Elo put all of us girls against each other. wren and I were constantly neck and neck with each other considering I landed every air that I did. Walking back in I heard Wren and Bodhi talking bad about Summer. I rolled my eyes and kept walking and talking to Poppy. Soon enough Bax bailed on Summer and we all did peer review. We all pulled a name from the hat. Soon Elo got tired of it and took us all to the beach around a fire. We all had to write negative things about people on the team. I did mine on Summer. When Elo left after everyone threw their papers in the fire Griff found Poppy's and read it out loud making us rip it out of his hands. Wren had a bright idea to have everyone share what they said Summer said what she thought about Ari and then she left.

Summer: So there's that

Everyone headed back to their tents. Soon I was getting ready to go down by the water and listen to the waves before I went to bed before. I saw Ari leaving Summer's tent and I followed where he was looking only to see Baxter. As Baxter started walking off I ran after him.

Baxter: What do you want KeKoa

KeKoa: You... I know it sounds crazy but I've had feelings for you since we met back in Queensland and I know you're gonna say that you don't like me like that and I get it you want Summer it's always ways going to be Summer but even when it's not Summer I hope it's me

Baxter: I did like you like that but the day I saw you ate state team tryouts Summer had told me not to bother with you cause you were into Poppy

I rolled my eyes at the lie Summer had told Baxter. He slowly walked towards me and I looked back making sure no one had come out looking for me mainly Summer since she texted me before I walked out of my tent. When I looked back at Baxter we were only a few inches from each other and he leans down to my ear and whispers.

Baxter: It's always been you ever since I met you in Queensland and you were dating Tuscany

Baxter backed up a little and smiled down at me making me blush a little.

KeKoa: I don't get why Summer would tell you a lie like that

Baxter: She was jealous

KeKoa: Why

Baxter: You've had almost every guy here wrapped around your finger since you or they have arrived here

KeKoa: I also don't get that

Baxter: Have you seen yourself in the mirror KeKoa everyone wants you I guarantee Ari still wants you too

KeKoa: I doubt it

Baxter leaned down and placed a light kiss on my lips but I broke it.

KeKoa: Baxter you made her a board you even stopped your sister from trying to get her kicked off the team

Baxter: I made you two boards that one you're riding on thinking your dad bought it for you no he told me he wasn't wasting his money on it so I made it for you and told him to take credit for having it custom made and you have a board that I'm actually going to bring for state comp

I smiled at him.

KeKoa: Thank you

I pecked his lips one more time before I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. I smiled up at him.

KeKoa: Yes what can I do for you

Baxter: Nothing just needed one more look

With that I stood on my tip toes and placed a few more light kisses on his lips before we said goodnight and I went back to my tent with a huge smile on my face.

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