Cant believe you

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I received an invitation from Summer to a team bonding thing at her house. I decided to go so I pulled on a crop top, mom jeans, and my converse before I left. When I teacher her house everyone including Baxter and Wren was there. Summer made everyone burgers. Summer, Poppy, Bodhi, and I are all standing around talking.

Poppy: Bo no more texting your girlfriend tonight

Summer: Uh, excuse me girlfriend

Poppy: Her name's Tuscany

Great Bodhi's talking to my ex. I wonder how this will go.

Bodhi: She's a surfer from Queensland she dmed me

Poppy: They've never met in real life

Summer: Wait aren't you from Queensland KeKoa

KeKoa: Yeah why

Summer: Do you know Tuscany

KeKoa: No I've heard that name but I've never met the girl

Summer pulled her trampoline over by her pool and started doing flips into the water.

Summer: Show us what you've got Queens

I went up and did a double backflip into the water before getting out and letting Summer continue.

Summer: Hey cap just practicing some airs

Wren walked up to the side of the pool and said something to Summer.

Summer: What's that Wren of course you can have a go

Everyone started cheering her on. When she did it she took a minute to come back up and when she did she said she hit the bottom and messed up her ankle. Ari and I helped her out and over to a chair. I walked over to summer and we started talking.

Summer: Why do you care for her so much

KeKoa: Because even though I had feelings for Ari a few years ago I support his happiness and as long as he's happy I'm happy

Summer: She's faking it and you know it

KeKoa: So what if she is faking good for her you can't just come back after a year and be jealous that Ari moved on after you ghosted everyone Summer. You did that to me last time you were here I thought you wanted me and then you ghosted me for Ari

I stood there quiet waiting for an explanation when Bax walks up and taps Summer's head.

Bax: You look hungry maybe I should make you a burger or something

Summer: Shouldn't you be look after your sister

Bax: She's got Ari

Without saying a word to me Baxter walks over to the grill and that's when I decide it's my time to leave. I grab my phone tell Wren I hope her ankle gets better and without even telling Summer or anyone else I was leaving I disappeared from her "team bonding".

*The next morning*

Today's a big comp. I'm looking around and notice Tuscany in an interview but I didn't pay much mind since I was listening to Bodhi tell the girls about their day together earlier. Wren came over and asked Bodhi about Tuscany and then told a lie that they had different circles. Then I heard Bax tell Summer to try and pick the right wave. While we're all standing there I look over and catch Tuscany staring at me. I know she still has my number because I texted her when I found she was going to be in town and I told her good luck and she responded thanks.

*Little later*

Eli told Bodhi about 'what she heard' from Tuscany even though it wasn't true. I just sat back and kept my mouth shut. My heat came up and I placed first. When I got back in I went on my phone and received a text from Tuscany.

Catching WavesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя