what about your friends

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" It's getting late. Are you ready to go yet?" Kenya asked Destiny once she was finally able to locate her.

Destiny looked down at her phone. It read ten minutes till two " Why are we leaving so early" she whined "Nia tell her- "

" Destiny, I'm ready to leave too" Nia said cutting her off

Mr. too fine leaned in and whispered something into Destiny's ear making her cheeks turn beat read. Kenya wasn't sure what he had said but whatever it was had Destiny acting like a schoolgirl with her first crush. "Well, Since I'm not ready to go yet, i'll just catch a ride with Ty then" Destiny stated.

"No the hell you won't" Kenya shot back

Nia threw her hands up and they came down smacking against her thighs. This didn't come as a surprise to her. It was always at least one girl out of every bunch who would try to pull off some shit like this.Going home with a man from the club that you barely even know is never a good look. Nia was starting to see what type of person Destiny was. They had been out before plenty of times without Kenya and Destiny had never pulled a stunt like this. Kenya snatched Destiny up by the arm and pulled her away so that they could have some privacy."I don't care what you do when you're out with those trifling ass friends of yours but you know my rules. We come together, we leave together. Always" Kenya said, reciting their slogan. Not all women followed the creed but it was one they'd swore by.

"ugh, don't be a party popper. That nigga is fine as fuck, drives a nice ass ride and got dough. So, what's the problem?" Destiny asked.

" You don't even know him, Tiny. That's the problem." Kenya yelled.

Destiny rolled her eyes. " Tyrone is not a stranger. I've known him-" She paused to steal a glance at the time on her phone "for almost three hours now" Destiny replied. It was apparent she didn't know how dumb she sounded. The innocent look on her face told Kenya just how much Destiny believed the bullshit that was coming out of her own mouth.

"Look, Everybody's not blessed the way that you are, Ke. I don't get to go home to a big ass fancy house, Drive a luxury car, and wear a fat ass rock on my finger the way that you do. This could be my chance. Hell, he could be my future husband. You might be my big cousin but don't forget i'm a grown ass woman now. I don't need your permission "Destiny stated.

"Yeah, you may be grown but you still have a lot to learn, little girl."

"Kenya, take a look at that man over there " They both looked over at Ty who was now sitting at the booth with Nia keeping her company while they settled their differences."Does he look like he's gotta steal, beg, or bribe a bitch for some pussy?" Destiny asked. Kenya shook her head and sigh loudly. That man was beyond fine, but so were some of the criminals sitting behind bars. In fact some of them actually become famous from their mugshot photos being leaked online. Two of them even received remodeling contracts when they got out. Good looks mean nothing. Even Ted Bundy was handsome and looked at the crimes he committed.

Nevertheless Kenya understood that her cousin was trying her best to get out of the situation that she was in. She wasn't going to knock her for that. It was every girl's dream to live comfortably. Kenya had once shared the same dream. So, who was she to try and stop Destiny from making hers come true. Besides Destiny made it clear she was going to do what she wanted anyway. Kenya knew all about taking chances. Not too long ago she'd choose to leave college without a plan and follow a man to another state so that he could chase his dreams. Now, look where that decision has gotten her. She's married and living lavishly in a mansion located in one of Atlanta's most upscale neighborhoods. Kenya was certainly living well, but at times it got lonely living in a big ass house when your husband is hardly ever home. Kenya would be the first to tell Destiny all that glitters isn't gold.

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