There is nothing covered that will not be revealed

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                                                                             CHAPTER 4 


Breaking news. In case you haven't heard, it was said that NFL Quarterback of the Atlanta Knights Aaron Wright was caught allegedly cheating on his wife with video vixen and model Koryn Loveheart. Recently a video surfaced online of Koryn and a man who looks a lot like Aaron getting cosy in the back of a dark club. The video seem to have been leaked by an unknown source, and lets just say the two of them weren't just enjoying each others dance moves. We've tried reaching out to all parties involved for a statement regarding these allegations and so far they've remained silent. Looks like Mr. Wright may be wrong after all.

Kenya read from one of the tea pages on the gram. Her thumb instantly froze over the screen as her heart sank into the pit of her stomach. Aaron was the love of her life there was no one besides his mother who knew him better than she did. She didn't need to click on the video to know that the news was indeed true. Kenya could tell by just looking at the still shot that it was her husband in the video seen canoodling with one of the industries biggest sluts. She was crushed. Her heart felt like it had just gotten hit by an eighteen wheeler.

Kenya thought about all of the things that transpired over the last few weeks. Everything was starting to add up. Aaron had been acting really strange lately. Kenya knew something wasn't right. Her intuition had told her so. She couldn't put her finger on it at the time but now she has confirmation. Part of her wishes she was still in the dark because this was just too much to bear. Tears ran down Kenya's face as her hands shook uncontrollably. Her phone slid out of her grip and hit the floor with a light thud. Kenya covered her face and cried into her hands. She was thankful her children weren't around to see her so distraught.

Kenya's phone had been ringing off the hook since the news broke. She was receiving calls from everyone imaginable. Her home girls, his publicist, and a few journalists; Even some extended family members had called. Kenya hadn't seen or spoken to any of them in a month of Sundays, so it was obvious they were being nosy. It seemed like everyone had been reaching out trying to get the scoop. They all wanted the tea, and gossip as if her life was meant to entertain them like some sort of reality show on television.

They didn't give a damn about what she was going through or how she was feeling. Kenya just wished that everyone would leave her the fuck alone. She needed time to process things and figure out her next move. There was no way she could do that with her phone checking the way that it was. Kenya was just about to turn her phone off when she saw her mother's name flashing across the screen. She quickly snatched it up from the floor and answered it.

" Ma, do you see this mess" Kenya blurted out. Her voice trembled with each word as she fought back tears. She was so irate that she had forgotten to greet her mother properly.

"I Know. I called as soon as I heard. Are you okay?" Angela asked sympathetically. Kenya knew by now the news had hit mainstream. Angela didn't have an Insta account. She received her information the old fashioned way. By watching the news or hearing it word of mouth. She didn't indulge in the likes of social networks. She barely knew how to work her cellphone. It had taken her forever to learn how to send text.

Kenya shook her head as if Angela could somehow see her through the phone. " No, I'm not" She admitted. "I probably won't be for a long while after this. It feels like I'm losing my mind right now and all these people want is a cover story."

" If I were you I'd ignore them, they'll get the point eventually. You don't have to speak on anything until you're ready to. As for your marriage, I can't speak on that. That's between you, Aaron and the man above. Y'all have got to figure this out on your own. All I can do is pray for y'all and love you through this" She advised.

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