Chapter Fourteen - Dorm Life and Return To School

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I sat in the classroom, staring up at Mr. Aizawa as he spoke. My head tilted as three more teachers walked in. Ultimate moves.
'You have a lot of options then.' Soon we where in Gym Gamma. I wore my new outfit, I glanced around the room as it changed. Though the moment her said quirks he looked right at me.

I stood alone. What should I try first?
'Try my quirk.' My eyes widened.
Yuki. I hummed. Alright. I took up a stance. A purple color engulfed my hands. Gravity Manipulation. I screamed as I was shot up to the air. My back hit the ceiling. Eyes flashed to me. It made me wanted to cry.
'Not like that!'
Then how!?

The training continued like that for a long while. With my trying to manipulate gravity to my every whim. All the while jotting down notes. I twisted around, my hand shooting out, gravity instantly intensified on the object, falling towards All Might, it instantly turned to dust. "What was that!" I ignored my classmates. I glanced at the others. Listening as they spoke. My hands lowering. It took me a whole week to master this ability. I looked to my hands. How many can I develop?

It was the day of the exam, I held my costume in my hand. Staring at the other students. My eyes moved to the Shiketsu students that appeared. I raised a brow as I watched him. My eyes then looking at my classmates. I stared at the boy, my head tilting. Then Miss Joke appeared. I instantly recognized her. She was one of the heroes who saved me from the scientist the first time around. I watched as second years appeared. My eyes narrowed at the black haired boy. Asahi instantly jumped between me and him. She was growling. I watched my classmates spoke, my brow raising as they spoke about the festival. I spoke interrupting them. "Oh you all idiots." My class looked at me. Confused. "They saw the sports festival, they know your quirks. They know how to counter them, we're at a major disadvantage." I smirked. "There all going to go after us." My head tilted as I looked at the students from other schools. "We are their main targets."

I stared at the announcer. I instantly began to plan, this is going to be fun. I looked to my class. "Split into five groups of four, Iida, Momo, Ochaco, and Shoto. Your four will lead your own ground, Kat, Ejiro, Denki, you three with me." I looked at the class. "Iida, Ayaoama, Mineta, and Kota you three stay together." I looked to Momo. "Momo, Jiro, Shoji, and Tsu, you four stay together." I looked to Shoto. "Shoto, Tokayami, Sato, and Toru you four together." I sighed. "That leaves Ochaco, Mina, Ojiro, and Toru."
"Yes ma'am."
"If we stick together we're a bigger target. If we stay in small groups it's better and easier for us to move around." They nodded. We all took off in different directions.

Within seconds Kat, Ejiro, Denki, and I where cornered. We where all back to back. "You three ready."
"Hell yeah!"
"Do you even have to ask?"
"You bet we are!" I smirked.
"Good. Because chaos is about to presume." Kat scoffed.
"When every your involved there is always chaos." I laughed. I raised my hands, smirking I watched as I purple hue surrounded my hands.
"Get ready, I'm about to immobilize them." I smirked as every single person around us, including the balls thrown at us, stopped in mid air. Gravity strengthening around them. "Violet Grip." I smirked. "Now! Asahi Tsuki!" The two shot from my side, ropes in their mouth, they ran around. Weaving threw the crowed, within seconds they where all tied up. Soon after Kat, Ejiro, and Denki got their needed points. I smirked. The hue around my right hand turned from purple to gray.  "Great! Now it's my turn!" I took grip onto all the balls in the air then my hand shot forward. The balls flew around and hit every visible target. "Gray Shot Score!" We where the second, third, fourth, and fifth people to pass. Yeah, after that quick fight. It was super boring.

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