Chapter Four - The Beggings Of the School Year

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I stared into the mirror. My hand braiding the single strand of long hair. Most of my hair reached just under my ears. With a single small chunk on the left of my head that reached down to my mid chest. I stared at the strand. A beautiful sage green that faded to sky blue. I then stared into my eyes. My right was exactly the same. Still a bright emerald green. While my left was mostly the same. But one quarter of it was a sapphire blue. I then stared at my freckles. They where prominent, dark compared to my porcelain skin. Noticeable. But they looked nice. They covered almost every inch of my body. Correction the did cover every inch of my skin. Standing up I walked over to my school outfit.

Humming I pulled on my white school shirt, I still hate the color white, I then pulled on and tied my tie. Then I pulled on the dark forest green skirt. Followed by pulling on the straps for my weapons onto my bare thighs, I hummed as I strapped my weapons into place. Then turning I pulled on my black knee hight socks, then my black knee high healed combat boots. Next I hide a few more weapons inside of my boots. I then pulled on my belt, my guns and twin short swords in place. Then I pulled on the school over coat, it was gray and forest green. I left it unbuttoned. I pulled on my black trench coat, leaving it open and making sure all my weapons are in place. Finally I placed my twin blades on my back and grabbed my single strap school bag. Inside it was all my school stuff, plus more guns and blades.

I sat right behind Katsuki. I stayed silent, my presence completely hidden, I watched amused. Then growing board I looked out the window. That seems to have been the moment Iida noticed me. "It's you." I looked to the male. He flinched away from my gaze. Katsuki scoffed. But then.
"It's you! Knife girl!" My head snapped in the direction of a familiar aura. It was the girl I saved. I stared silently. She to flinched away from my calculating gaze. But then my gaze snapped from her to behind her on the ground. I stared at the man in the sleeping bag. I watched him silently. He introduced himself. Shouta Aizawa, EaraserHead. He was the man who had been staring down the scientist. Canceling his quirk, he was probable the only reason I was able to come out of that stupid game. After all, it had been Usagi's quirk that placed me in the game. Then he handed us our PE uniform. I was first to leave and first to meet him.

I stood side by side with Katsuki. I listened silently. Both Tsuki and Asahi by my side. I watched as Katsuki threw his ball. Staying silent even as the others spoke I stayed silent as the man spoke. My eyes flashing to Katsuki who now stood behind Aizawa. The girl I saved then spoke up saying that this wasn't fair. That sat Katsuki off. He went to speak. I clenched my fist. Asahi just nudged my hand. I spoke, cutting Mr. Aizawa off before he could even speak. "I hat to break it to you sweetheart." I looked at the girl. "But honey life ain't fair." Aizawa nodded. Then continued on. The testing continued.

For the first test was a 50 meter dash, I went against Katsuki in the racing. We looked to each other. Then took off. I stayed ahead off him. I got 3.13. Kat got 4.13 he just grumbled. For the second test, the grip test, I got 600 I had to be strong in the games if I wanted to be able to pull myself, the man, and the kid up from hanging off the cliff. For the third test, the standing long jump, I completely cleared it, no surprise considering I had to jump from one end off a cliff to another, which had been more then ten times the distance of the sand box. For the fourth test, the repeated side steps, I got a hundred in a minute. For the fifth test, the ball throw test I got eight hundred. I had used the flat of my blade to bat the ball. Asahi had tried to run after it. I just whistled her back over. For the sixth test, the distance run, I got five minutes and twenty seconds. For the seventh test, the sit up, I got five hundred in a minute. I wasn't even winded. Which greatly confused everyone considering I was excelling. Then finally we took the seated toe tuch, I did that easily, laying down flat, my large chest touching my legs as I easily touched my toes.

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