Chapter 11

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"You deserve me."

I took a shuddering breath.

"Not that I'm some great catch." His grin made his eyes sparkle.
"But I'm your kid's father, and there's nobody that loves you more that me."

Nanon launched himself at Earth at that point, but unfortunately, his pants weren't actually pulled all the way up and he got tangled up in them. He tripped, hit the edge of the mattress, bounced up and sideways, and ended up crashing to the floor, winded, staring up at the ceiling, half naked on display.

"Not graceful." Earth's grin had become a monster, he was having the best time ever.

"Why?" I asked, standing over Nanon. "I just need to know. I mean, this is so out of character for you."

"Oh fuck you, Mix, I need to get laid."

All the romance, all the waiting, all of it had been bullshit.

"I finally realized that you just don't like anal. I wish you would've just come out and told me that because I like it and I miss it."

I was flooded with the memory of Earth, just an hour before, buried his balls in my ass. My body shivered with the remembered sensation.

"I mean, maybe no one ever showed you how good it can be, or, I don't know, but it was fine because I wanted you." He sat up.

"But I need it every now and then so I get it." I nodded.

"So you and Mark, this isn't new."

"With Mark it's new." He told me. "But it doesn't matter because we were never exclusive. You shouldn't care where I put my dick."

I took a step back in Earth. I hadn't realized he was so close, waiting and ready to take hold of me. I was instantly wrapped in his arms.

"Love." His voice rumbled in my ear. "Forget this, it's not worth your time." I swallowed hard, feeling my face flush with heat.

"And we both know he doesn't know you at all in or out of bed." And Earth was right, it turned out that Nanon didn't know me at all.

"I wanna take you dancing." He sounded excited, happy, his mouth behind my ear, sucking on my skin, "I miss doing that with you."

I eased away from him, headed for the closet. "I think if you guys could just step out until we're packed up, that'd be great."

"I want to say goodbye to Rose." Nanon told me. Before I could speak, Earth answered him, his voice dripping ice.

"Don't even go near that door."

"Is that right?"

"You know some bullshit secret agent moves where you can kill me with your pinky or something?"

"No man, I'll just break you goddamn arm if you even think about going near the fucking door. Stay clear of my man and my girl. Understand?"

Apparently he did, because he and Mark were out of the room in seconds. Nanon called me frigid and a cock-tease on the way out, and I thought again how interesting it was that people could end so badly who had started out so well.

I had my doubts that he and Mark would be back to anything but pack. I could not see Nanon letting Earth foot the bill for anything.

"I am a bad person." I groaned, having changed into a long-sleeve T-shirt to follow Earth from my room to his suite.

The hotel staff was in front of us with the luggage on a cart. Earth was carrying a passed-out Rose, and I was schlepping my overnight bag and Rose's Hello Kitty backpack.

Love Again (EarthMix AU)Where stories live. Discover now