Chapter 6

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The rehearsal dinner was a blur of activity, and I dropped Rose off with Ciizee's little sister Pear in her room after we ate.

Pear had agreed to watch the flower girls. She loved kids. I gave her my phone number and went with Ciizee and the bridal party with five other of her good friends to spend the last night of freedom with her.

Nanon left with his friends who were in town for a retreat but made me promise to call the second I was headed back to the hotel. He gave my ass a nice squeeze to let me know what he wanted.

We started bar hopping at 9PM. I wasn't going to drink at all, even I knew Rose was in a good hands and none of us going to be doing any driving.

Our final bar or club were with a spectacular rooftop view when Ciizee start hanging on me and telling me how much she loved me.

"I know sweetie." I told her, hugging her tight. "I love you back."

"Mix, will I be happy?" I looked at her hard.

"Of course, you love P'Pat a lot."

"Do I?" I laughed at her phrasing.

"I hope so."

"Do you love Nanon?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I smiled at my drunk friend.

"I just... do you!"

"Not yet." I answered honestly. "But I will." Everybody loved him.

"And you should!" Aye Sarun, another of the bridesmaids, blurted out, leaning against me.

"I mean, Mix, that man of yours... damn, I'd fuck him." Aye continue to mumble.

I laughed at her. "Well, thanks, Aye, that's quite a compliment."

"Shit yeah," she slurred, kissing my cheek sloppily.

"Where's Jane?" I asked, looking around for the designated walker, as it were. She was the 'drunk-wrangler' for the evening. We had rock-paper-scissored, and she lost.

"There." She pointed.

The woman in question was at the bar ordering another Diet Coke. I waved and she flipped me off.

When I started laughing, she tried very hard not to smile back, so she was growling when she reached the table.

"You suck." She snapped at me.

"Awww." I grinned, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"Come on, it's not my fault when your skills do not include knowing that you always double paper as a move."

She pinched my cheek as a sweet protest.

"Yes, yes, you are very pretty and cute, but you still suck." I arched an eyebrow for her.

" I arched an eyebrow for her

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