Chapter 2

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"He loves her: I don't want him."

"You want him. You've always wanted him." I knew that. I was lying to myself to think anything different.

"You glow when he's around. Even after four years, you still glow."

"And now I won't

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"And now I won't."

"The holidays are coming."

I lifted my head up to see his face.

"What does that have to do with anything?" His eyebrows rose, and just for a moment I smiled.

"I just don't want you to commit suicide or something." His voice was both gentle and caressing.

"Can't." I moaned.
"I'm gonna be a father. I can't actually even follow through on my plan to lie here until I die. I will eventually have to get up."


"Who knows?" He nodded.

"Okay. You wanna move into the apartment under me and First? I own it, as you know. I'll rent it to you cheap until you get the money together to buy it." He promised me.

"It's got two bedrooms and that's all you need. One for you and one for the baby."

"That sounds like a good idea." I agreed, my cheek were back on the floor, pressed to the cold wood.

"And that way, whenever you need help, we'll be there."

I had such amazing friends, it was too bad I had terrible taste in men. "I love you guys, you know?"

"Yes, I know, darling and we love you back." I flipped him off for the darling.

"Okay, I'll be back in an hour with First."

"I'll be here." 

When he shut the door behind him, I closed my eyes again. The tears were coming back engulfing me when the thought of Earth betrayal resurfaces and he with Namtan kissing moment flashing through my eyes.


Khao made me get up and eat something when he returned with First Kanaphan, the love of his life, just as promised, an hour later.

As soon as they left, I went back to the floor. My friend Godji came with her husband Mike the following day. They both sat on the floor with me as I told them about the baby.

"If I see him on the street, he's fucking dead man." Mike swore. They were strong words from a school teacher.

Godji cried and held my hand, and after a while it was hard to tell which of us got dumped. They ordered pizza and we had milkshakes to wash it down.

My older brother Luke flew in from Singapore just to check on me, which was a complete surprise. He wasn't a concerned about me being on the floor as everyone else was. The man had grown up with me and knew I wasn't suicidal type.

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