Voices of the Past (Part 3) (Chapter 21)

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No pov, Azula with Ran and Shaw at a Fire Temple in the Spirit World

"Soooooo, where are we exactly?" Azula asked following the two master to a temple the was inside a volcano  "Just the place we're going to train you is all," Shaw said not looking back or even changing pace.

"Oh just ignore him, he's just grumpy is all," Ran said cheerfully, getting a sigh and an eye roll from Shaw, "More than that, we're going to teach you the true meaning of firebending, and help you see your full potential."

"Full potential?" Azula scoffed "My flames are blue, I can fly with my bending and I can bend lightning, I'm pretty sure I've already reached that," she said arrogantly.

"Oh is that so?" Shaw asked sarcastically, "If that's the case, we're done here then right?"

"Hush Shaw! Stop being mean," Ran said with a huff, "In any case to put it bluntly Azula. No, you're not even close, you're flames are blue because the way you were raised and trained, while impressive, anyone can fly with their bending if they can focus long enough, and your lightning bending is subpar at best," Ran said completely stoic, leaving Azula taken aback, "While being exceptional in hand-to-hand combat, there are still people who far exceed you," hearing that made Azula stop in her tracks. As mad as she wanted to be and already was, she knew Ran was right, about all of it. Ran now had also stopped and was now standing in front of Azula, "To put it simply. You're weak," she said emphasizing her point by pushing a finger into Azula's chest, "You're arrogant and cocky," pushing her again, "You're just a mindless shell with no will power. All you can do is use the little power you have to prey on the weak to make yourself feel like you're worth something." As she kept going, Azula felt something growing inside her, it was an unfamiliar feeling, no, she had felt it before, it was the same as the day she lost to Zuko and Katara. Her eyes started stinging, her head started spinning, she started breathing heavy, her mouth and throat went completely dry. She hated this feeling, but could do nothing to stop it. Then, the voices started again.

'You're a monster'

'No one will ever love you'

'You don't deserve happiness'

'The world would be better of without a monster like you'

"S-stop, p-please," Azula whispered now with tears running down her face as she was clutching her head trying the cover her ears, trying to make the voices stop, "Please stop, leave me alone!" She yelled out, her head now throbbing even harder as the voices got even louder. Until Ran grabbed her by the shoulder directing Azula's gaze to her.

"Azula focus on me," Ran said trying to calm Azula down, "This is the first lesson, the blessing and curse that is firebending. This power is beautiful and majestic, but when corrupt and used for evil, it can be dangerous for other people and the user themselves," she explained, "I'm sorry for having put you through that but it was the only way I can show you. Do you understand that?" She asked receiving only a nod from the still shaken up Azula, "Okay then, but with that said, after this training, what you decide to do with your power is entirely up to you, all we're here to do is help you realize the true meaning of firebending and help you realize your full potential. You understand?"

"Y-yes," was all Azula could muster up.

"Alright then," Ran said with a smile, wiping at Azula's wet face, "Congrats on completing the first lesson, though there are still many more to go," she said letting go and turning back towards Shaw and the temple, "C'mon, let's go."

"Jeez, ironic how you told me not to be mean," Shaw said rolling his eyes, then receiving a punch on the arm from Ran.

"Oh hush, it was my lesson," she said, "Anyways it's yours now, so Azula follow him and I'll see you later okay?" Ran said waving and walking off ahead of the two of them.

"Well, you hear her. Come with me," Shaw said leading her towards the temple, "Your second lesson will be on combat."


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