Missing Siblings (Chapter 12)

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As the celebrations began to die down and people returned to their homes, the Gaang and Kyoshi Warriors renter the palace joking and laughing.

"It's hard to believe that the last time we where in here, it was us attacking" Sokka said to the group as they were walking through the large hallways of the palace, "Now look at us, just freely roaming it with no worries at al-" just before he could finish his sentence a gaurd ran up to the group.

"Excuse me Avatar Aang, I have a urgent report, Princess Azula has broken out of her cell and her whereabouts are unknown." The gaurd said out of breath, "We have the whole guard squad searching and we'll let you know if and when we locate her." He yells as he runs to continue his search.

"Nice going Sokka way to jinx us" Katara said sarcastically, "Well I guess we should also be careful and keep our eyes peeled for her."

"Ummm guys" Aang spoke up to the group, "I talked to Zuko earlier and he was going to go and try to talk to her..." he said in a worried voice.

"Oh no" Katara said and without any hesitation everyone split up in a frantic search of the Siblings.

2 hours later

"How did it go for you're guys?" Aang asked the group. After searching they all met back in the throne room.

"Nada, nothing, zilch, absolutely nothi-"

"Okay Sokka we get it you didn't find them." Katara said cutting her brother off, "This is bad, like really bad." Katara said worried. "Zuko is strong, at this point we'll just have to hope he's fine."

"WAIT!" Aang exclaimed out of nowhere, startling the group, "Why don't we see if Toph can find them?" He explained.

"How would that work? How is she supposed to find them she's bl-"

"You sure you wanna finish the sentence Sokka?" Toph said out of nowhere walking up to the group making Sokka go pale, "Go ahead and finish it, she's blind is what you were going to say right?"

"N-n-no not a-at a-ll Toph" he said stuttering.

"You do know I can tell you're lying right?" She said shaking her head, "I'll let it slide this time" she said to Sokka who sighed a breath of relief, "Anyways Twinkle Toes, I tried the a while ago and I found nothing so I just took a nap." She said to the group, "I had to use all my energy to cover the entire city at once so I basically passed out before I could tell anyone." She explained while stretching and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"I'm sure they're fine, both of them" Aang said with reassurance, "We have nothing to fear."

"Aang you do realize it's Azula we're talking about right?! AZULA!! Y'know the one that KILLED you remember?" Katara said snapping at the Avatar. "Now that Zuko is the Fire Lord I doubt she'll accept that, she tried to k-"

"Katara that's enough" Aang said cutting her off.

"You can't be seri-"

"I said enough, we have nothing to worry about, if Zuko had any concerns or was in any trouble we would have heard something by now" Aang explained, "So please calm down and don't worry so much."

"Ok Aang, I'll try to," she said, still concerned, "Actually there is something I noticed during the fight for the throne."

"What do you mean?" Sokka asked his sister, "Is it something bad?"

"No not entirely, let me explain." Katara said, "So we all know how strong Azula is and how until now Zuko has never beaten her, and with the comet passing over both of their power was boosted" Katara explained, "But what doesn't make sense is that Zuko completely outmatched her, so much to the point where she attacked. But Zuko took the hit which left me to fight her and well I managed to win."

"That's actually pretty odd, I know what you mean Katara" Ty Lee spoke up, "After I chi blocked her at the Boiling Rock, I could sense her aura and willpower slowly start to dwindle away, I would go as far as to say..." Ty Lee paused, the realization setting in, "Even if Zuko didn't have the boost from the comet, he still could've easily beaten Azula!"

"WHATTT?!" The whole group exclaimed with total shock.

"I know it's crazy, but when I saw Zuko earlier, the amount of aura he was giving off was more than Azula's before I chi blocked her." The acrobat explained.

"Wow... that's just... wow" Katara said in complete disbelief, "That is just... wow, and are you sure about that Ty Lee?"

"Yes I'm positive." She replied.

"I think I know why, Katara did something seem off to you during the fight?" Aang asked.

"Actually yeah, she was nothing like her calm, cool and collected self. She was extremely sloppy and used almost no technique until she used her lightning, and just to had, her hair was unkempt. She was just a total mess," Katara informed the group, "It's like she had a complete mental breakdown before fighting us."

"I thought so, it kinda makes sense now." Aang said aloud to himself.

"Okay enough, outwith it Aang stop mumbling to yourself" Sokka said trying to get an answer for the group.

"Okay my bad, but this is just a theory, so you guys remember when Zuko lost his bending and the two of us went to the Sun Warriors' ancient city?" Aang said, "Before we left he had said he didn't want to rely and anger and rage to fuel his bending."

"I see what you're getting at Aang" Ty Lee chimed in, "But I don't think that would be the case with Azula, the anger and rage part I mean."

"That's exactly what I mean, what if it's the opposite?" He theorized, "Zuko didn't have any anger or rage to use, but what if Azula had too much and it had the same effect but lead her the was it did." He concluded.

"I can see what you are saying Aang, but even if you're right" Katara said, "I still don't trust her."

"Yeah neither do I" Sokka chimed in.

"Same here" Toph and and Suki both said.

"I didn't ask you guys to, frankly I'm still cautious too, she's incredibly smart and pretty dangerous when she wants to be, so all of you please proceed with the upmost caution." Aang said to the group.

"No problem Aang we will" Katara said, "It's pretty late, we should all try and get some sleep."

"I couldn't agree more!" Sokka said yawning, "I'm beat"

"Alright goodnight everyone" Aang said as they all split up

"Wait just a moment please!" A gaurd yelled running up to them

"Have you guys found anything yet?" Aang asked

"Unfortunately no we haven't" The guard said, "But we are required to give this to you" he says hanging Aang a piece of paper, "Have a goodnight." The guard said leaving.

"What's on the paper?" Katara asked, but Aang didn't reply and just showed them

"Yeah I guess that was to be expected" Katara said

"Wait what is it?" Toph asked.

"It's a wanted poster for Azula"

"It's a wanted poster for Azula"

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