Metamorphosis (Chapter 11)

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No p.o.v

A slow tapping filled the air as the unexpected visitor dropped their nails one by one onto the balcony railing. Prying eyes continued to watch as Fire Lord Zuko thanked the citizens of each nation for attending his crowning. Sensing that the ceremony was coming to an end the visitor took one last look before turning around and quickly heading back inside the palace.

Zuko p.o.v

"Who knew that being the Fire Lord could be so exhausting.......and I haven't even really started yet" I whisper to myself as the events of the past hour finally began to sink in.

'As much as I need to be thinking about ways to negotiate peace the only thing I want to do right now is relax.' I think as I round the corner and the doors of my room come into sight.Picking up the pace a bit, I quickly make it the doors and begin to push them open. I suddenly stop as I see the outline of the person I least expect sitting on my bed.


No p.o.v

The figure on the Fire Lords bed flinched at the unexpected yelling before slowing turning around and revealing to Zuko that the person sitting on his bed was in fact his sister.

Zuko's mind swirled with thoughts as he stared at his sister before he began frantically asking questions.

"What are you doing here?"

"How did you get here?"

"I thought you were-"Zuko's question was cut short as he finally took in the appearance of Azula. She looked......well to be perfectly honest she looked exhausted. Even from far away as Zuko raked his eyes up and down her form he could see the dark circles under her eyes. Her normally perfect posture was nowhere to be seen as she sat there, shoulders slouched, staring as him. That's when he noticed. Her eyes.

Her eyes were the same as that day. The day that she was defeated all the light that had once filled her eyes disappeared. It was replaced by a dull blank stare. The same stare that she had right now. The once confident Azula had been replaced by a shell of her former self. This realization shook Zuko to the core.

"Azula" Zuko said in a shaky tone, hoping to get a response this time.

Azula sat there staring at Zuko before quietly speaking."Hi" she whispered in a scratchy voice.

"What are you doing here?" Zuko asked again as he slowly began making his way towards his sister.

"I saw your crowing you know." Azula said in a hushed tone.

"You saw wha-"

"At least one of us got our happy ending." she continued speaking, this time voice full of bitterness.

Zuko stopped in his tracks confused by her statement and took a deep breath before asking "Um Azula, are you alright?"

"Am I alright." She parroted back to her brother. She sat there staring at him almost in disbelief before her brows furrowed and a look of anger over took her face. "AM I ALRIGHT?" She shouted at Zuko

This time it was Zuko's turn to flinch as his sisters unexpected mood change caught him off guard. Realizing where this conversation was going to go if he kept talking, he did the only thing he could think of and asked Azula

"Do you want me to go get Mai and Ty Lee so that you can talk to them?"

Just as quickly as her mood had changed Azula shot to the edge of the bed, arm reached out trying to grab her brother. Azula latched onto Zuko's arm and frantically said "NO, they can't see me like this."

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