Something I Might Regret (Chapter 16)

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Ty Lee pov


"Who is it? It's pretty early y'know."

"Suki, it's me, Ty Lee. Can I come in?"

"Oh, yeah, of course, come on in."

No pov

Ty Lee entered Suki's room to find the Kyoshi Warriors leader still in her uniform, but with her face paint washed off. Without it on, Ty Lee could tell how tired she was with her eyes almost as red as her own, and the bags under her eyes.

"Suki, have, you slept at all?" Ty Lee questioned.

"Honestly no, I've been a bit on edge, y'know with Azula here, no offense."

"None taken, and you don't need to worry about Azula," Ty Lee said, trying to reassure Suki, "Zuko made sure of that." She added in a tone of almost pure hatred and disgust, a tone the Suki had yet to hear and thought she never would.

"Ty Lee, are you all right? What do you mean?" Suki asked cautiously, trying not to say the wrong thing and upset the girl.

"Well, what had happened was..." Ty Lee started as she explained her interaction with Zuko, all while watching Suki's face, watching and reading her reactions, "and that's pretty much it."

Even before she was halfway through, Suki was already in shock. Even though they hadn't been allies for long and could barely be considered friends, she never expected this.

"An act of war?" She asked in a shaky, confused and overall worried voice, "But we just finally ended The Hundred Year War," she said her knees feeling weak, so weak that she had to lean against the table to support herself.

"I just figured I should let you know so the other Warriors don't accidentally interact with the Elite Guard." Ty Lee added, "I wanted to make sure that there wouldn't be anything that happened."

"Thank you, Ty Lee," Suki said gratefully, "I'll let the others know."

"No need to thank me, Suki, I jus-," Ty Lee began before being cut off by something begin shoved into her face, "Hey, what's that for?"

"Well you were crying, and seeing you like that just doesn't feel right," she replied moving a towel out of the acrobat's face.

"Oh, I didn't realize, thanks," she said sadly, "That's been kind of a recurring thing lately." She said with a nervous laugh.

"Well please let me know if you need anything, we're friends now and allies." Suki said with a smile, "Plus, I want you on your a-game when we get to fight again, don't think I forgot about our draw at the Boiling Rock."

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to beat you clean as a whistle next time." Ty Lee said cheering up a bit, although the mention of the Boiling Rock still reminded her of what happened, she couldn't deny the fact that her all-but-short fight with Suki was indeed an exciting one.

"Well let's make a little bet then if you're not scared to lose that is," Suki said teasingly.

"That's interesting, seeing as how technically I have beaten you, but I digress." Ty Lee replied teasing Suki.

"Well if you want to count that, I'll give you the pity point," she said playfully, causing Ty Lee to stick her tongue out at her, "anyway here are the terms, if I win, you teach me your Chi Blocking."

"Hmmm interesting, you with Chi Blocking would be a lethal combination. Alright then in that case, if I win..." Ty Lee said pondering on what she wanted on her side of the wager. After a few seconds, she got it, a deal that she knew Suki would be too prideful to refuse and one she knew would bring out the absolute best in her, "I become the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors." She said with a sly smile, catching Suki slightly off guard, "Didn't expect that did you?"

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