some things never change

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"Rise and shine boys and girls, we have less than twenty four hours before you lot are back on stage. Let's have fun!" Marlene yelled as she entered the house, Lily following behind her. Dorcas and Mary followed slowly behind them. Celeste sat up and looked over at Cornelia.

"Is it ever quiet with you lot?" Lia asked. Celeste shook her head.

"No, but Evan makes a wicked cup of coffee to even it out." Lia laughed.

"Some things never change." She swung her legs over the side of the bed and pulled on a hoodie. Celeste grabbed a jumper of Remus' and they walked out. Cornelia stopped at the door upon seeing Lily. Lily offered an awkward wave.

"Been a while, huh?" Lily said as she walked closer. Celeste grabbed her sisters hand.

"Uh, yeah. Few years. You- wow, you really grew up." Lily chuckled.

"Time will do that to a person." They both laughed.

"Can we talk, Lil?" Cornelia finally asked. Lily nodded.

"Let's grab some coffee first, head out back?" Lia nodded and they made their way to the kitchen. Celeste linked her arm in James' as he walked down the hall.

"The girls are chatting." Celeste whispered. James went pale. "I think all is well."

"God I'm gonna have to jump off a balcony." Celeste let out an abrupt laugh. He smacked her arm as they sat down. "It's not funny!"

"Jamie, you made a mistake years ago, it's finally coming to bite you in the ass. It's quite funny." Evan slid a cup of coffee across to Celeste.

"Are they gonna kill each other?" He gestured with his head to the back yard. Celeste shrugged.

"Doubtful." James looked over Celeste.

"Why're you two here?" He asked. Dorcas shrugged.

"Mckinnon requested our presence. So we're here." Mary replied. She studied the girl she hadn't seen in years.

"I don't think we've actually met," Celeste said as she stuck her hand out. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." She smiled kindly. Evan watched her from across the table.

"Come on Macdonald. Play nice. Don't analyze her." He ordered. Mary looked at her.

"I'm being perfectly polite." Celeste chuckled.

"I do it too. I don't mind." Celeste touched her hand, they smiled at each other.

"Hate to break up the moment, Cel, but uh..." James trailed off, pointing to the backyard. Celeste perked up. Lily seemed to be crying. Lia stared straight ahead.

"Who let that happen?" Pete asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"James, three years ago." Celeste groaned as she got up. James started to defend himself.

"Oh, shut up, mate." Sirius yawned as he walked in. Celeste opened the back door.

"It's not as bad as it looks." Lia said. Her voice broke as she stared ahead.

"It's just me."

"Oh thank god." Lia let herself cry. Celeste sat at the end of her chair. Lily sat across from her.

"Alright?" Lily nodded.

"Who knew James Potter could have this kinda effect on people?" She joked through tears. Lia laughed.

"No harsh words I have to hit either of you for?" Lia asked. They both shook their heads.

"Not about each other at least." Lia replied. Celeste laughed.

"You two can be as mean about Jamie as you need to be, just don't say it to him. He will cry."


"Celeste?" Sirius called as he ran down the hall. "Can I borrow that black crop top you have?" She dug through her bag as he hit the door. She held up two. He pointed to one that read cherry bomb across it.

"Be very careful, Black. A fan made me that." She said as she handed it to him.

"Scouts honor, or whatever they say here." She laughed as he ran off back towards his room.

"I may need to borrow your eyeliner later!" She yelled after him. Remus popped out of his room.

"Does this look alright?" He asked. She looked at his jeans and David Bowie shirt. She nodded.

"Very cute Rem."

"Black boots or converse?"


"What're you wearing?" She shrugged.

"Need to finish my makeup before I even think about that." She turned back to Lia laying out a sheer black top, a black bralette and a black mini skirt. "That's cute for you."

"It's for you idiot, but only if you do my makeup and hair." Celeste narrowed her eyes.

"Deal." Lia clapped.

"I've missed your makeup skills. I haven't met a makeup artist that matches your skills." Celeste laughed.

"Your look for the Brits three years ago was quite nice."

"You watched that?"

"Course." Lia watched her sister fumble with her hair with a smile. She pulled herself away to dig out an outfit. After a minute Celeste called for Lia.

"Sit down, let me look at you." She ordered. Lia did as she was told and Celeste examined her. "What colors are you wearing?"

"Red and black." Celeste nodded and leaned over her for her makeup before going to work.


"You don't look like you're having fun." Regulus said as he slid into the booth next to Celeste. She tried to smile at him. He slid her a drink. They'd hardly talked since the other night.

"That obvious?" She asked as she took a drink. He chuckled lowly.

"Look, I'm sorry for everything." He said. She nodded. There was a long pause, just the two of them listening to the music in the club.

"I don't want to end up like my sister and Lily." She admitted. He turned to look at her. "They used to be friends. I don't want whatever this is and whatever you and Jamie have to ruin all the years me and James have. I can't lose my best friend for a boy."

"Me and James are a publicity stunt, Celeste."

"But there's something there, at least for James." Regulus took a deep breath before closing his eyes.

"What if I talked to him- didn't tell him about me and you, but I tell him I fancy you. Feel it out. Would that be okay?" She looked up at him for the first time their whole conversation.

"You would do that?"

"If it meant getting any closer to having you, absolutely." She blushed as she hoped it was dark enough to conceal it.

"That would be okay."

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