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"Hi I'm Celeste."

"I'm Sirius."

"I'm James."

"I'm Peter."

"And I'm Remus."

"And today we're going to be reading your guys thirst tweets about us." She said to the camera with a giggle. The women handed James a bowl filled with scraps of paper, he dug his hand in and picked the first one out. He cackled.

"Oh my god, okay. I want Celeste to grab me the way she grabs the mic during Delicate. Mhm mommy." He read. Celeste lost it, she buried her head in her hands.

"Want to tell us why you grab the mic like that, Red?" Sirius teased, she shook her head.

"I've got no comment on that, Pads." She replied as James passed her the bowl.

"Celeste could break my back like a glow stick and I'd say thank you." She read. Her face turned a deep red as she laughed. "You guys have a lot of faith in me in bed."

She passed the bowl to Sirius with a grin.
"It's weird when people thirst over The Marauders— stfu if I say I want Remus Lupin to rail me within an inch of my life then that's my right." Celeste broke out laughing first.

"That certainly is your right." Remus said slowly, his cheeks were scarlet as the rest of the group laughed. They went on reading terrible tweets about each other for about an hour until their director called cut. They were ushered to another room to take their quizzes. They were given instructions and Celeste was told she'd introduce the video

"Hi we're The Marauders and today we're going to be figuring out which Marauder member we really are."

"Question number one, what instrument would you play? Guitar, bass, drums, or lead singer?" Sirius read.

"Oh I'd be lead singer." James told the camera, Celeste laughed.

"You won't even do my backup vocals."

"If I could I would." He said as he clicked on lead singer. James was an amazing singer, but he refused to sing on any track. No one knew why. They all went through and clicked their answers.

"If you could pick a hair color what would it be? Red, blonde, brown or black." Peter read. James looked at Celeste.

"I've always wanted Red's hair, since we were wee." She rolled her eyes. All three boys agreed with him and clicked it in for their answer. She clicked black and they moved on.

"Pick an animal, cat, dog, wolf, deer, mouse?" Remus read in confusion. "Do we each give off animal vibes? Is that what this is?"

"I'm obviously the wolf." Sirius said, Celeste shook her head.

"You're the dog. Loyal little lad you are." They all laughed and made their decisions. They rattled through a few more questions.

"Okay last one," Peter read. "Choose a Marauders song. Medicine, Delicate, 505, English love affair or Silver Tongues?"

"Ohhh can I assign you guys your songs?" Celeste asked with a giggle. The boys looked at each other and shrugged. "Okay, Sirius you're one hundred percent English Love Affair. Rem your Silver Tongues. Pete, 505 obviously. James, oh shit you could be any of them, I'm gonna go with Delicate. I'm Medicine. Obviously."

"I got Celeste!" James cheered as their results loaded.

"Me too!" Celeste cheered as they high-fived.

"I got Rem." Sirius said, Rem chuckled.

"I got Sirius."

"I got James." Pete said. They all laughed.

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