Mates that kiss sometimes

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"So you all know the song Jessie's Girl?" Regulus asked as he leaned into the microphone. The crowd whooped and hollered. "I've always liked that one. Very American. Erm, anyway, this is Jessie's girl." Celeste nudged James and pointed to the stage. He raised his head a bit to see Regulus pulling Celeste's signature move of sitting on the edge of the stage. They walked over to the wings.

"Jessie is a friend, yeah I know he's been a good friend of mine, but lately somethings changed it ain't hard to define Jessie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine." Sirius wrapped his arm around Celeste.

"Might as well just say she's gotten with every other band me ever but me." He commented lowly, Celeste pushed him away with a laugh. She walked back to the dressing room to find Rem and Pete.

"Another love song?" Pete asked, she rolled her eyes.

"For James, yeah."

"I don't think songs about wanting someone else's girl are for James." Remus commented. She shrugged.

"He's stupid if they're about me." The boys looked at each other, trying to find a good way to change the subject.

"We have a surprise for you." Peter blurted. Celeste narrowed her eyes at him.


"It's your birthday!"

"No, it's not."

"Cel, what's the date?" Remus asked. She checked her phone.

"Shit it's my birthday." He laughed.

"You're officially twenty-two."


"In honor of our very own Celeste turning twenty two today we're gonna sing her favorite song." The crowd cheered as Remus leaned forward to talk to them. She turned around to face him.

"No you're not."

"Oh yeah we are." James said.

"This is Good Girls." Peter said. Sirius wrapped an arm around her as they started to play.

"She's a good girl. She's daddy's favorite." Sirius sang as she buried her head in her hands

"He saved for Harvard, he knows she'll make it." James took over.

"She's good at school, she's never truant," Sirius ruffled her hair. "She can speak french."

"I think she's fluent." Remus said behind her. She turned around to scold him for that lyric.

"Cause every night she studies hard in her room, at least that's what her parents assume." Peter sang.

"But she sneaks out the window to be with her boyfriend, heres what she told me the time that I caught them!" James half sang. She just sat down center stage.

"I hate this!" She said into her microphone. The fans screamed the chorus with the boys.

"She's a good girl. A straight A student, she's really into all that self improvement. I swear she lives in that library. But, Este, what does she say?" Remus sang from behind the drums, she took a deep breath.

"That's where you'll find me." She said deadpanned as she flipped them off. Sirius pulled her to her feet.

"But if you look then you won't find her there," He held the microphone out for her to sing with him. She finally caved. "She may be clever but she just acts to square, cause in the back of the room where nobody looks she'll be with her boyfriend."

"She's not reading books." She sang. The boys cheered as the fans took over the chorus. They wrapped up the song and she leaned back against her microphone.

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