my dear mother

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Marlene sent Celeste and Evan on a date the moment they got settled in. They found themselves at a bar singing karaoke and pretending they weren't international pop stars.

"That was fun." Evan told her as they held hands walking out of the bar. She smiled up at him. He truly was attractive, he looked like a rockstar, tattoos down his arms and dyed blonde hair contrasting the perfect shade of tan skin truly did the trick. Under any other circumstances she'd be thanking Marlene for the date.

"It was." She replied. He stared down at her, she was gorgeous. Her red hair with dyed black roots cut to her shoulders blew in the slight breeze. She was funny, witty and incredibly talented. He saw why his sister liked her. Under any other circumstances he'd be praising Mary for the date.

As they walked out of the alley they were created by flashing cameras. She covered her eyes like they were the sun.

"Celeste? Evan? What about Pandora?" Someone yelled.

"Aren't you scared this severs ties with her?"

"What about Regulus, Celeste?" She pushed through the crowd. Evan stopped in his tracks and pulled her back against him. He rested his hands on her hips and kissed her, not just kissed her, the kind of kiss that under any other circumstance would've meant the beginning of a terrible idea to the both of them. They pulled back and he turned to the reporters.

"I hope that answers your questions." He said as he opened the car door for her and ushered her in. As soon as the door closed they both laughed.

"That was good." She told him, he smirked.

"I don't take kindly to people yelling about my sister and my best mate. You get one or the other." She looked down as he closed his eyes slowly. Instant regret rushed over him. "That's not what I meant. Look," He bent down to meet her gaze. "You and Dora have what you had. That can't be erased. You met each other at the start of our careers, you never forget the person who helped you learn how to navigate fame. I don't know much about you and Reg, but I know that when we first got here he was real pissed about it, but then you guys hung out at the bar and he got real cool about a whole lot of shit. I ramble when I'm trying to fix my mistakes, but what I'm trying to tell you Cel is... I actually am not sure but I like you and I get it and I won't tell Panda if you don't.

"Thank you." She said. He nodded. She grabbed his hand as they slowed to a stop. "There's worse people to date." He laughed as he opened the door.

"Yeah, you're a pretty good kisser." She laughed as she let the people snap pictures. By all accounts they looked like a happy couple.


The next day Celeste has a odd feeling all day. She chopped it up to the fact that this was the closest she'd been to her hometown in years. When they stepped on stage the feeling got worse. She looked around at the adoring crowd and waved. Celeste looked up to the VIP box and spotted the silhouette of a women she thought there was no way she was there. She stared harder until the women came into the light. She nodded with her tongue between her teeth.

"Alright Glasgow, give it up for my dear mother, Minerva Mcgonagall who's in the VIP box tonight. She traveled all the way from Caithness." The crowd cheered as Celeste held eye contact. "Hope I'm finally making you proud mum. This one's her favorite, it's called Matilda."

"Red," James warned from her right as the crowd screamed for a song that was rarely ever played. She shook her head. He nodded. "Matilda it is boys let's go." The first few chords played and the boys immediately knew where this was going. Celeste walked forward and sat on the edge of the stage.

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