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"Alright Dublin, I have a very special guest in the audience tonight," Celeste started. The crowd erupted. "I met her dad last night at a club and I deem him the coolest parent ever. If everyone could please help me welcome her to the stage, everyone give it up for Maya!" The girl walked on stage, Celeste grabbed her hand and walked her to center stage.

"Everyone say hi Maya!" Sirius cooed. The fans obliged. Maya waved awkwardly.

"How old are you Maya?" Remus asked as he stepped around the drums to hug her.

"Fourteen." She squeaked into the microphone. Celeste smiled. Remus wrapped her in a hug.

"Now, darling, what is your favorite song?" James asked her. She thought for a moment. She looked off stage to her dad.

"Dad, can I swear?" She asked. He nodded with a laugh. "Batshit."

"Batshit. Oh boys I don't think we've ever sung that one live." Celeste said. Pete stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Maya.

"Well who are we to deny Maya?" He asked. Celeste smiled at her.

"Alright darling, I'm gonna need your help on this one though. You got me?" Maya nodded.

"I got you." She turned to the boys.

"You heard the girl. Batshit. Let's go." She handed Maya her microphone as she adjusted her headset.

"Take a break, rolling through outer space. Where everyone who knows you wants to take you on a date." They sang together. Celeste grabbed her hand.

"Not cause you're lookin' good, or acting like a fake." She stopped for Maya to take over.

"Because you got it all figured out in the end." Celeste jumped with the girl.

"I think I'm batshit crazy or maybe your just stupid. I took my shit out on you, don't get arrested or roll up that domestic, it would be catastrophic and we've all had enough of it. Im going through six months of it. Not exactly in love with it." Celeste let the younger girl repeat the bridge while she pulled her over to Sirius. He leaned down to her level to share her microphone.

"Don't complain 'bout anything, you know how fortunate you are, and I hope you don't hesitate to tell me your feelings, how fortunate you are." Sirius and the girl jumped around as they sang the last chorus. The crowd cheered for her as Celeste bowed with her.

"What should we sing next, I'm bored of our setlist." Maya smiled.

"I'm trying." She said. Celeste smiled.

"Alright you got it bug." She hugged her tight. "Everyone give it up for Maya! She's calling the shots tonight." Maya ran off back to her dad while the boys played the opening to the song.

"London twenty twenty, we broke up yeah it's two a penny and I've been tryna make a big step forward saw you, it was awkward." Celeste sang.


They walked off stage and sat at the table with The Royal Court, Maya and her dad. Barty was teaching her to play a card game while Pandora talked to her dad.

"Are you teaching her to gamble?" Sirius joked as they sat down. Barty cracked a smile.

"We're playing slap jack."

"So yes." Peter chimed in. Evan laughed as Celeste took a spot next to him. He wrapped an arm around the back of her chair.

"I have a question." Maya said. Celeste nodded to her.

"What's up?"

"How did you two get together?" Celeste looked at Evan with a grin.

"Well," He started as he looked to Regulus and James. "When your best friends start dating you start spending a lot of time together at clubs and events and even in hotel rooms. Then you start to realize, wow this girl is everything I could ever want in a person. She's funny, she's witty, she's just crazy enough to make you question your existence and if you've been living completely wrong, it sparks your interest. Then you learn she's the most caring person in the world and you think, god I don't think I can live without her." Celeste smiled at him.

"That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about me." She replied. Maya smiled ear to ear.

"I hope one day I find a boy who loves me like that." She told them. Celeste ruffled her hair.

"You will, little one." Regulus pushed his chair back from the table abruptly. Pandora grabbed his arm. He made eye contact with Celeste and coughed.

"I, uh," He closed his eyes and shook his head. "I just remembered I have to call Narcissa. I'll be back just give me like ten." He walked off toward the dressing room. Maya leaned closer to Celeste. Celeste met her in the middle.

"I think he likes you." She whispered, Celeste shook her head.

"No, he likes Jamie." Maya nodded and leaned over to Remus.

"You don't have to tell me this, but I have a question." He nodded. A little scared of the fourteen year old who was apparently playing matchmaker with the skills of Celeste.

"I'll answer just about anything." He replied. She hesitated.

"How'd you get that scar?" She asked as she lightly touched his face. He smiled.

"Maya! You cannot ask people those kinds of things!" Her father scolded calmly. Remus shook his head as he grabbed her hand.

"No it's okay. I don't hide it." He told him, he turned back to Maya, he gave her hand a squeeze. "When I was younger, just a bit older than you, I did some really stupid things that landed me with bad people. I grew up poor and I was just trying to help my dad out. You get what I'm saying?" She nodded. "Yeah well, when you fall in with those people you don't get out easy. They beat me up real good and left me with this." He touched the scar on his face.

"I'm sorry for asking." She said, Remus shook his head.

"Don't be. I'm living proof that no matter how tough it gets there's always a way out. Remember that." Sirius put his hand on Rem's shoulder.

"And there's always people willing to help you out of it." He told her. Maya smiled at them.

"I wish I had friends like you guys." She muttered as she went back to her card game with Barty.

"Whatd'ya talkin' about?" He asked looking up from the cards as she slapped her hand down. "We are your friends."

"Okay, but like real friends. In school. You guys are just being nice." Pandora laughed.

"Look, darling, I promise you anytime we are in Ireland we will come see you." She told her. Maya smiled.

"And if you ever need us just DM us." Evan told her. "We'll take care of you."

"Plus your dads like the coolest cop I've ever met," Barty leaned closer to her to whisper. "And I don't like cops."

"He's not a cop." She said shaking her head confused. Barty shrugged.

"Close enough."

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