patriarchal & homophobic

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"You lot have an hour to have everything packed and in the van!" Lily shouted from the living room as Celeste pushed her suitcase down in an effort of shutting it.

"Lily, dear, could you help me?" She asked. Sirius pushed past Lily and ran to Celeste's room. He jumped on top of the suitcase with a smile. She laughed and zipped it closed.

"Thanks Pads." She ruffled his hair and got off the floor. "Where are the others?"

"Rem is doing a house check, ya know making sure we grabbed everything we need, unplugging devices, overall just being our dad. Pete was in the shower last I knew and I haven't seen James yet this morning. Think he went out for a run, should be back soon." She looked up at Sirius.

"A run?"


"James doesn't run when he's doing well, it's like that episode of New Girl you like. He only runs when he's worried." She said as she walked toward the door. When she hit the living room the front door opened and closed. James stood there, staring back at her.

"Did you go for a run?" He held up a plastic bag.

"I went to the shops, needed toiletries." He replied confused. She sighed.

"Thank God."


Hours later, fans were cheering, nerves were high and both bands waited back stage. The Marauders sat around a table playing cards while The Royal Court got miced up to go on stage. Celeste caught Pandora's eye.

"Hey, good luck." She said with a smile, Pandora smiled back.

"You too." They ran on stage as the crowd went wild. Celeste heard the opening notes to the song she and Pandora wrote together.

"You think that's ever gonna get easier?" She asked, Sirius nodded.

"The same day it gets easier hearing my brother sing Old Me." He muttered. She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure it's just as hard for them to hear Dress and Holding on to Heartache." James replied. They both nodded. Rem came back to the table with a round of shots.

"To the shitty decisions we make when writing songs never thinking we'll tour with their subjects." He said raising his glass They all cheers'ed.

"There's something I gotta say, I'm glad you walked away. Cause I never really had the strength and you just wanted your fun. Thought you could never be replaced, my therapy, my saving grace but now I'm learning every day that you were never the one." Pandora sang. Celeste took a deep breath.

"Fuck." She groaned.

"Toughen up, buttercup. You're gonna hear it every night for the next few months." Lily patted her on the shoulder.

"Ah Lils, my longest friend. You always know what to say." She grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. Lily giggled.

"Love you too, Celly."

"Este, you gotta get dressed!" Alice called. Celeste hopped up from the table.

"Alright boys, see you in a few." She ran back to her dressing room with a smile. Este got her dressed and shooed her out. The boys went back and got changed and they all got in a huddle as They Royal Court played their last song.

"I'm always gonna want you back, want you back." They sang as Celeste mimicked a knife going through her heart. The boys smiled as they wrapped their arms around each other. The Royal court thanked the fans and ran off stage smiling. Pandora looked at Celeste.

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