"What is that?" Cisco asks.

"A cure." Barry answers like it's so obvious.

"Has it been tested?" Cisco questions.

"I ran 2,371 tests in my head." Barry replies. "We're good."

"Barry, I don't think that..." Barry ignores his wife as he injects the cure.

"What are you doing?" Cisco demands. Frost's vitals take some time, but they start to improve, and she gasps awake. She looks around, confused.

"What happened?" She asks them.

"You took the brunt of Eva's laser blast to help us." Barry informs her. "I just returned the favor with a cryogenically-fortified paracetamol cocktail."

"That fortified my cellular walls. Yep, that'll do it." Frost lays back down.

"Of course, you wouldn't have had to take the brunt of the blast if Barry hadn't let you get hit in the first place." Cisco is furious at Barry.

"Cisco, let me explain."

"Barry..." Cisco is trying to keep his anger in control, but Barry's making that hard. "What were you thinking? I saw you. You had the time to run her out of the way and just stood there like you wanted her to get hit." Cisco accuses.

"There was a 0.0002% chance of the Tachyon Enhancer getting damaged in that scenario."

"That's your reason for being a dick?" Anna asks her husband. "You let our friend be hit because there was a meniscal chance the device would be damaged?"

"I couldn't risk it." Barry tells her, still lacking any form of emotion. "I also knew I could reverse any ill effects Frost received from Eva's blast."

"These aren't ill effects!" Cisco shouts. "This was a light wound, like the kind that almost killed her. And we just got her back!"

"Cisco, it's okay." Frost chimes in. "I'm fine. And now we have a chance to save our friends. I'd take a hit for that any day. Anna and Cisco give Barry a look.

"You got lucky with that cocktail."

"Luck had nothing to do with it." Barry corrects him.

"So superspeed thinking, huh?" Frost asks. "What's that like?"

"Super douche is what it's like." Anna answers annoyed.

"More like it's a barrage of images flying at me. Other's like a scene playing out in my head." Barry corrects his wife.

"So what does your speed brain say our next move is?" Cisco asks while all Anna wants to do is strangle her husband for being a dick.

"You saw Iris' message "Eva is watching." She would no doubt see our attempt to open a portal to the Mirrorverse and stop us. I need to find a solution. You should recuperate for 14.2 minutes, then help Cisco gather our McCulloch intel so I can cross-reference it with our Eva data. I need to aggregate." Barry leaves the medical bay, and Anna throws a lamp where Barry once stood.

"Oh...are you okay?" Frost asks out of concern.

"I want to kill my husband...and I feel like I really could. So it's up to the two of you to keep me from doing that." Anna orders Frost and Cisco.

"But you're a trained assassin who..."

"Who is eight fucking months pregnant, and my husband is an emotionless asshole who, if he says one more smart-ass remark, I will kill him. So stop me." Anna waddles off as Cisco stands next to Frost with his mouth open.

"I'm going to die." He mutters.


The team regathers as Barry figures out how to get past Eva, seeing their every move. "I figured out her secret. This isn't her world. It never has been." Barry explains to them. He pulls up an interview Eva is currently doing with Arielle.

Running Home to You-3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora