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Simone Laysia Brown
November 20th

"I be forgetting that we cousins and not friends". Tion said looking at me as we walked around Walmart

I looked at him, "It really be confusing me so bad, sometimes". I said

My dad and his mom are cousins so that makes me and Tion cousins.

It bothers how I know my dad's side of the family but ion even know the nigga and what bothers me even more is that his family don't even know shit as well.

I seen pictures of him holding me as a baby and ion even remember that, I guess he disappeared after that.

"How aunt Tina doing tho". I said referring to his mom

He looked at me, "Yo. I tell you she pregnant". He said making me gasp shaking my head

I cringed, "Yo parents still fucking" I said

He mugged, "Don't do my OG's like that, yo momma don't even got nobody to fuck on, yo' daddy still looking fa' da milk". He said making me laugh

"Don't speak of my father in his absence". I said

He chuckled, "Nigga been absent for almost 21 years". He said making me mug him

"Shut up"

My phone rang, '$emaj🖤👌'

I answered putting it on speaker phone, "Yurrr". Tion and I hollered

"Yurrr. Niggas be bored fuck innis big ass house by himself". He said

I nodded my head, "You want me to come over". I said

"Yeah, I'mma pick you up. Where you at, whatchu doing". He asked making me blush

Always checking on somebody.

"I'm at Walmart with Tion. What time you picking me up?". I asked checking the time, '3:21pm'

He cleared his throat, "Round 4, so finish up". He said

Tion snatched my phone out my hand.

"Nigga, I want my twenty". He yelled making people look at us

People just don't mind the business that pays 'em.

Semaj sucked his teeth, "You ain't getting shit cause you cheated and give Simone her phone back". He said

Tion gave me my phone and I took it off speaker, "How you been?". I asked

Semaj cleared his throat, "I'm ayt. Just got back from seeing my folks". He said

"You had fun?"

"It was cool, ain't nun to complain bout". He said

I shrugged, "Well, lemme not disturb your driving"

He sucked his teeth, "How you know I was driving". He asked

I chuckled, "I just figured". I said

He chuckled, "Ayt, I'mma see you inna bit". He said

I nodded my head, "Drive safe". I said

He coughed, "I will". He hung

Tion looked at me, "What's going between you and ole dude?". He asked

I shrugged, "We like friends". I said

He chuckled, "That's all?". He asked

I rose my eyebrow, "Why you asking, I don't know what to say. It's a developing relationship". I said

Whatever me and Semaj going on, that's between us and I don't even know what it is but I'll be safe and say we're friends.

"I'm asking cause I know him. He been my friend longer than he been yours". He said

I looked at him, "So whatchu saying?". I asked

He shrugged, "I ain't gon' say much but friends don't look at each other that way". He said

I frowned, "Like what?". I asked

"And I think if Lee was your friend, he wouldn't kiss you". He added on

I frowned remembering Diya mentioning it.

I shrugged, "He said to let it go". I said

"Lemme tell you sum bout Lee. He ain't gon' ever do shit within the moment, he ain't like that. If he do sum, he wanted to do it". He said

I nodded my head, "So whatchu saying". I said

He looked at me, "Don't let it go"

These chapters been lacking forreal but w/e
Anyways, I like this book so I'mma stay consistent

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