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Madeline Xiera Franklin
March 10th

The girls and I were at my apartment, listening to music while Diya explained what happened between her and Ty and boy, was it juicy.

"So lemme get this straight. He's been accusing you of cheating because he was". Cece asked

Diya nodded her head, "It was one time and it was a mistake"

"One time don't mean shit to me babes, you cheat, I'm gone". Nay said shaking her head

"Girl, just cause he said it was a mistake, it doesn't make it forgivable especially since he's been projecting his mistakes onto you". Nessa said

I nodded my head, "If it was a mistake, he should have told you but he didn't". I said and Cece nodded her head

"The man is insecure and you excusing it is what breaks your heart. Him cheating is foul and you can't keep saying it was mistake, you ain't gon' heal from that". She said and I nodded my head in agreement

"He's wrong and we all know that, whether you end things or not, you have to be selfish with the decisions you make". I said

Diya sighed, "But it's hard y'all. I spent the last six years of my life, loving him and being the best girlfriend I could be and I felt loved in this relationship that's why I'm not trippin' over it. I love hi-". Nay cut her off

"If you don't get yo' dick-whipped ass on. The man cheats, keeps this a secret for three years and decides to hurt you and bring you down so he doesn't feel bad. That's not the man you deserve, Diya and whatever you do is your choice but you're hurting yourself for a man who didn't give a shit about how you felt when he continued to slut-shame you". Nay said and Cece nodded her head

Nessa nodded her head, "You're everything and more a guy could ask for but you weren't enough for him and that's okay but you're worth loving and if he can't see that, then that's on him". She said

"Whatever you do, we're for you. We won't judge but Diya please, care for yourself". Cece said

"Okay", Diya said

"Group hug babes", Nay said

We gave Diya a group hug and sat back down on the couch.

I turned up the volume of the music as I heard 'Officially Missing You' by Tamia played.

"All I hear is raindrops, faling on the roof top. Ooh baby, tell me why'd you have to go". Nessa sang

"Cause this pain I'm feeling won't go away and today, I'm officially missing you". Diya sang

Poor friend. If any man were to put me through shit like that, I would kill him cause who the fuck told you that you're that guy, bih.

"I thought that from this heartache, I could escape but I've fronted long enough to know, there ain't way and today, I'm officially missing you". We all sang

Nay waved her phone showing a picture of Von, "Ooh, can't nobody do it like you, saying every little thing you do". She sang

"Oh baby, know it stays on my mind and I, I'm officially missing you". I sang

We sang along to other songs and called it a night with the girls going home and me cooking up something cause I gotta a guest tonight, Xan.

Xan and I been chilling for about two years and I honestly don't know what we got going on, I just know that I like him but he sticks with us being "best friends".

I heard a knock on my door and I rushdd to it opening and smiling seeing Xan.

"Hey", I hugged him

He laughed, "Wassup". He got into the house and closed the door

"Whatchu making, smells good". He asked following me to the kitchen

"Thank you and I made cuban sandwiches". I said setting two sandwiches on a plate for him and two on my plate

"Thank you", he got up washing his hands and sat down

He looked at me, "You gon' say a lil prayer". He asked

I nodded my head, "Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing us together this blessed night, thank you for the food on our plates and let us not be sick, Amen"

"Amen". And we began to eat

"How was your day". He asked

I swallowed my food and cleared my throat, "It was good. Had a lil pampering day with the girls". I flexed

"Okay, okay. I see you on your shits, bih". He hyped me up

"Big Mad, not the lil one". I swiped my hand up my chin

See cause why he playing, he's what I want in a man.

I nodded my head smiling, "How was your day?"

"Tiring as fuck. Got this whole thing we dealing with but we'll be okay". He sighed eating his last bit of the cuban sandwich

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What happened?". I asked eating my sandwich

"You know I don't like you being involved". He said

I nodded my head, "I know but who will I tell". I asked holding his hand

I know how to keep a secret and honestly who would I tell?

We got Cece who is traumatized because of gang violence, Nessa who don't know shit about it, Diya who hates it and the rest of em know about.

I could only tell Nay but she'd already know because she fucking with a gangbanger.

"I trust you, Madeline but I just don't want you knowing about it, even if you mean well". He said squeezing my hand

He kissed my hand, "We taking care of it"

The girls advice to Diya?
Maddy and Xan?
Cuban sandwiches are the best!!

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