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Simone Laysia Brown
December 19th

"Christmas season, bitch". Nessa jumped on my bed

So it's been about four days since I seen Landon and I been in the house eversince and I guess he noticed because an unknown number been calling me and I think actually I KNOW it's him because I answered it one time and he was talking bullshit as usual so I'm not answering that shit no more.

I have not been eating, I haven't drank anything these past four days and because of that, my throat dry as shit.

I rolled my eyes, "Nessa, gon' with that bullshit". I said

I'm not in the mood for nobody, I mean how can I when niggas after my head.

She jerked her head back, "Bitch, fuck wrong witchu". She said

I sucked my teeth, "Y'all wrong wit me, playing that loud ass Christmas music and shit"

Forreal tho, that shit be irking me

She rolled her eyes, "Why you such a grouch, where my best friend at?". She frowned

"Oh she left because y'all playing this fuck ass music"

"Simone, what wrong forr-"

"Nothing!, damn. Can a bitch just get in her thoughts". I rubbed my temples

"If them thoughts the reason why you being so damn rude then no". She removed my hands from my head

"What's wrong Simone, you been moody and weird for these past few days and everybody worried about you". She said making me suck my teeth

Might as well say something.

"You ever held a secret for so long that it fucked you up"


"Bitch, what are you hiding". She said making me roll my eyes

"Just listen"

She nodded her head, "Okay, well, you hiding something?". She asked

"You ever had somebody after you". I asked


I shook my head, "No on some obsessive shit". I explained

She nodded her head, "Tion". She said making me suck my teeth

"Bitch no, like somebody after yo head"

"Okay, which bitch do I gotta fight". She said getting all hype

"No, you don't g-"

She continued, "I will kill that hoe". She began fighting the air

this bitch

"Nessa, we not-". She cut me off

She looked at me, "Is it that Porsha bi-"

"VANESSA!". I yelled making her go quiet

"Damn bitch, you don't listen. It ain't no bitch after me"

"Then what is it, you really worrying me Simone". She said making me sigh

Tears welled up in my eyes, "Nessa, I needa tell you something but swear this never leaves the room". My voice cracked as I stared at her

She took my hands in hers, "Cece, what's going on, you're scaring me". She said

I exhaled a breath I ain't even know I was holding, "So..."

"We affliated with gang bangers bitch"


And I told her everything, like everything. From why I left New York and how the guys in the crew including Reece are in gangs and by the time I finished talking, we were full blown crying.

"Simone so y'all kept this from me"

I wiped my face, "it was for your own g-

"That does not mean anything, I'm your bestfriend . You should have told me, I would've helped. Then with the gang shit and errything, now I gotta be paranoid and call errybody phone up every ten minutes because y'all decided to keep it from it for apparently my fucking own good". She cried

Tears settled on my face, "It was tho Nessa. You forget how fucked up this shit is, from the killings you should know from my story. It is not that simple and keeping you out was the best thing we could do because we had to protect you fro-"

"People see me with y'all all the time!". She screamed

Tion barged in the room.

"What the fuck going on and why y'all crying". He asked

She shrieked looking at him, "Fuck you!". She screamed at him

He held his hands up in defense, "Whoa, I am not in y'all argu-". She got up the bed slapping him making me gasp and go over to them

I tried to pull her back from him as they began to argue, "Move bitch". She yelled pushing me back

My mom, aunt, grandma and Keon came to the room.

"What is all this ruckus all up in here?". My grandma asked


"Lil girl, this ain't your house". My aunt called out for her but the front door closed meaning that she left

I wiped my face, "Aunty, leave her alone". My voice cracked

I don't even blame her because we kept shit behind her back for years and I kept the most shit tho and I acted like errything was gucci.

But she ain't have to say fuck us but that's how she is when she mad, say shit without thinking but she just broke my heart.

My mom came up hugging me, "Simone, what's going on". She said

"Mama, I'm gonna die. He gon' get me". I cried clinging on to her

"Who baby". My grandma asked


"He gon' kill me and everyone I love". I cried

Keon furrowed his eyebrows, "Simone, what the hell are you saying". He asked

My mom looked at them and sighed, "We ain't really leave New York because we wanted"

"We had to"

"I called Lee, he onna flight, he'll be here soon". Tion said

"What happened?". He asked


Y'all, Nessa knows and she mad and errything😀
Tion, Keon and her family don't know shit only her mama do😃
Shit, issa aboutta go down mfs
Stay tuned😘

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