Chapter 1: Before

Start from the beginning

The swivel of his chair was the first thing she heard. His low voice almost a growl was the second sound that followed. He sloppily placed his glass on the desk and fumbled to stand up. He pointed a figure at Emily. She knew what was going to happen next.

He jolted toward her and a hand came down to her cheek. She could feel the burn of his palm as he slapped her as hard as he could. Tears began to form in her eyes and she struggled to maintain her focus. She knew if she showed weakness, the blows would be worse.

She pressed a hand to her face, clutching where the pain was starting to build. Edward looked at her with stone cold eyes.

"You know better to not disturb me when I am working. Dear." He said in a mocking tone. "And another thing, you are going to that party alone. No way in gods earth am I going. It's not my job, it's yours. This is all you've wanted and you've got it baby. Now, make it work."

And with that, he grabbed the glass that had been resting on the edge of the desk and gulped down its contents. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and waved a hand in the air. The same hand that had tested her face just moments ago. She couldn't even look at him anymore. There was nothing she could have done that would have prepared her for what happened next.

"I want a divorce"

The words seemed to echo in the silence like a defining blow to her face again. This time on the left instead of the right. Edward picked up the bottle of whiskey and poured it again into the glass. He took a swig from the bottle and slouched down in his chair. Slamming the whiskey on the desk in the process.

"You're the problem you know. I've provided everything to you!" His voice is raised now, yelling. Emily begins to quiver, unsure of what to do next.

She hesitates before speaking again. "We can't do that. What would everyone think? What would happen to our kids?"

He gets up from the chair and throws the glass across the room. "I don't care about our kids or what everyone else thinks. You're being selfish right now you know."

He lunges at her with fists. She closes her eyes, unable to move. Too stunned to speak. He is yelling now. His eyes piercing her, full of fury. She takes a step back and glances at the clock on the end table.


"I have to go. I'm already late..."
Her words mean nothing as he grips her wrist even more. She has to get out of here. She pushes him with all her might into the front of the desk and grabs the letter opener.

She stabs him once, twice, three times...

Blood is pouring out now. He cries out in pain, clutches the wound that now is on his neck. She makes a run for it. Not caring if he dies, not caring if he is in pain.

She has been in pain for years. Now it's his turn.

His cries haunt her as she quietly closes the door and props a chair up against the handle.


She hears it from behind her.

Quickly, she turns around to see Jacob standing there in pajamas with his teddy bear.

"What are you doing? Where's daddy?" His little voice shook her to her core.

"Honey, your father is resting. Do you want to go in an adventure?"

He suddenly breaks into a smile, "Yeah!" he now is clutching his bear even tighter.

"Okay! Grab your things and go get your brother. We are going to grandmas."

There was a pause, "For how long?"

"I'm not sure. Just enough so that you get to spend extra time with grandma."

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