Chapter 1: Before

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The gold that was etched into her dress shimmered off of the dull light that encased Emily's bedroom. The dress she had gotten for this special occasion was now resting on the edge of her bed. The red and brown comforter made the dress pop. Two lamps rested on top of dark mahogany wood nightstands and the dresser in the corner showed its age. She had gotten it from her grandmother, a family treasure that was passed down from generation.

She never particularly liked the carpet that had come with the house. It was a dark brown and looked horrible with the bedroom. The draperies were a silver with little hints of red. She kept trying to get Edward to change it but he always told her if the carpet was still good, why replace it.

She was staring at the shoes she had picked out and the evening bag.

It was 6:45 and the party started at 7PM.

She contemplated going wondering if this was the guilt talking. Her two sons were in the TV room, watching cartoons. Her husband was in the study drinking whiskey. She paced the room back and forth, something in her gut was telling her not to go but she didn't want to disappoint the investors

Her husband was a banker who had been eyeing a big promotion. If she didn't go, he could lose it. They could lose everything. She sighed and picked out a pretty shawl. White with gold flakes. She placed in next to the dress—this'll do I suppose she thought to herself.

She slipped off the nightgown that she had been wearing and began putting the dress on. Zipped it up and placed her feet in the heels. She grabbed the shawl and wrapped it around her shoulders and put the lipstick tube into her handbag. The clasp on the handle made a clicking sound as it closed Walking to the bathroom she glanced in the mirror. Her light brown hair touched just above her slim shoulders. Her face was thin and eyes the color of blue with hints of brown in them. The pink lipstick she had chosen didn't really fit with the gold dress but it was all she had.

They had been struggling these last few months. Making ends meet somehow. Her husband was a banking investor who made decent money but a bad business deal went sour and then started the drinking. The gambling. Then all of their savings soon after.

She didn't know much about finances but knew that this wasn't good. Their house was at stake and she constantly felt the pressure whether or not to leave Edward. But the kids. What would everyone think? The neighbors? Her parents. His. She glanced over at the small clock that was tittering on the edge of the nightstand. 6:56. She didn't understand why she had to go and save their family. Why couldn't Edward do it.

Well, I guess I will be late after all she thought to herself. She took a look one last time at herself in the mirror. This is as good as it's going to get.

Emily glided down their spiraling staircase, her heels clicked against the wood floors with each descent. She called out for her husband. Her kids came rushing instead.

"Mommy! Do you have to go? Do you really?" they were pulling on her dress now. She knelt down and moved her hands over their hands and pulled them close.

"I love you boys but I have to go for your father." She kissed both of her children and said with a smile, "I'll be back no more then an hour."

The smell of cigarette smoke lingered in the air and she could hear Edward's radio blaring jazz in the nearby room. The dishes still weren't done, she thought as she bent down to kiss her kids one last time before saying goodbye to her husband.

"Edward?" she called out in a hesitant voice. She knew better not to disturb him when he was drinking. She knocked on the door quietly and walked in.

"Dear, I'm leaving now. Are you sure you don't want to go? It'll look bad if only I show up."

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