Y/n and Jungwon shared a loving look, their hearts filled with gratitude for the wonderful family they were building together.

A Curious Conversation:

The cozy living room was filled with warmth as Y/n, Jungwon, Juwon, and their golden retriever puppy, Fluffy, all sat on the couch together. The news of a new addition to the family had left Juwon brimming with excitement and curiosity.

Juwon was nestled between his parents, his small frame radiating enthusiasm. His eyes sparkled with wonder as he began to fire questions at them, his curiosity getting the best of him. "Mommy, Daddy, how does the baby get in there?" he asked, his voice filled with innocence.

Y/n and Jungwon exchanged a knowing look, their hearts touched by their son's curiosity. Y/n smiled warmly and replied, "Well, buddy, when a mommy and daddy want to have a baby, a tiny little baby starts to grow inside the mommy's tummy."

Juwon's eyes widened with fascination, and he leaned in closer to Y/n, as if trying to get a better look at her tummy. "Really, Mommy? How does the baby fit in there?"

Jungwon joined in, his voice gentle as he explained, "It's like a cozy, safe place for the baby to grow. The baby starts very, very small, and then it grows little by little, day by day."

Juwon's face scrunched up in thought as he processed the information. "So, I was in there too, Mommy?" he asked, his eyes searching Y/n's face for confirmation.

Y/n nodded with a warm smile. "That's right, sweetheart. You were in my tummy too, just like your little sibling."

Juwon's eyes shone with wonder as he tried to wrap his head around the idea. He seemed to be pondering the mysteries of life, trying to imagine what it was like to be in his mother's tummy.

Fluffy, their loyal puppy, remained by their side, napping peacefully, unaware of the curious conversation taking place. It was a moment filled with love, innocence, and the magic of childhood curiosity-a moment that reminded Y/n and Jungwon of the precious gift of parenthood and the wonder of new life.

A Playful Moment:

The evening had settled into a cozy ambiance, with Y/n, Jungwon, Juwon, and their fluffy golden retriever, Fluffy, all snuggled up together on the couch. The lights were dimmed, and the movie Juwon had chosen was playing on the screen. It was a perfect family movie night.

As the movie unfolded, Y/n leaned closer to Jungwon, her voice a playful whisper as she teased, "You know, Juwon, only Mommy gets to hug Daddy."

Juwon's eyes widened in surprise, his curiosity piqued. He turned to Y/n with an adorable protest, "Really, Mommy?"

Y/n couldn't help but smile at her son's reaction. She nodded, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Yes, really, sweetheart. Only Mommy can hug Daddy."

Juwon's expression turned into a mix of determination and mischief as he scrambled onto Jungwon's lap, wrapping his little arms around his father in a tight, determined hug. He looked up at Y/n with a triumphant grin, as if saying, "Watch me!"

Y/n tried to gently pull him away, but Juwon's grip remained strong. Instead of relenting, he began to cry, his innocent tears adding to the drama of the moment.

Y/n and Jungwon exchanged amused glances, their hearts warmed by their son's adorable reaction. It was clear that Juwon was taking the rule quite seriously.

Jungwon chuckled and whispered, "Alright, buddy, you win. You can hug Daddy, too."

Juwon's tears immediately turned into a beaming smile as he released his father from the tight hug. Y/n ruffled his hair and reassured him, "It was just a joke, sweetheart. We love hugging each other, and you can hug us anytime you want."

With the misunderstanding cleared, Juwon snuggled back in between his parents, their cuddling session resuming. Fluffy, their furry companion, wagged his tail in contentment, sensing the love and joy that filled the room.

~ Time skip, 3 months later ~

Sun, Sand, and Silly Moments:

Three months had passed since that memorable cuddling session by the fireplace. Y/n's life had taken a beautiful turn, not only because of her growing belly but also because of the love that seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.

On this particular sunny day, the four of them-Y/n, Jungwon, Juwon, and their loyal golden retriever, Fluffy-found themselves at the beach. The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air, and the gentle breeze carried the scent of saltwater.

Y/n couldn't help but smile as she looked down at her slightly rounded belly, a visible sign of the little one growing inside her. Her hand instinctively rested on the bump, feeling a connection like no other.

"Come on, Juwon," Y/n encouraged, glancing at her two-year-old son, who was hesitating at the edge of the sand. "It's just sand, my brave boy. You can do it."

Juwon scrunched up his tiny face, clearly unsure about the sensation beneath his feet. He took a few hesitant steps, but the dramatic expressions on his face only intensified.

"It's attacking my feet, Mommy!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with theatrical distress.

Y/n chuckled, crouching down to his level. "Oh, Juwon, the sand's not attacking you. It's just giving your feet a little massage. You're safe, I promise."

But Juwon wasn't convinced. With a dramatic flair, he sprinted toward his daddy, Jungwon, who was setting up their beach towels. "Daddy, Mommy is bullying me with the sand!"

Jungwon laughed heartily, scooping up their son. "Oh, really? Mommy, how could you?" he teased Y/n, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm just trying to toughen him up a bit," she defended herself.

Jungwon carried Juwon closer to the water's edge. "Alright, buddy, let's show Mommy that we're not afraid of the sand. We'll conquer it together!"

With Jungwon's reassuring presence, Juwon finally mustered the courage to take a few more steps on the sandy terrain. His chubby little feet sank into the grains, and he let out a triumphant giggle.

Seeing their son's determination, Y/n couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. She joined them at the water's edge, and together, they leaped into the inviting waves, Fluffy barking excitedly as he splashed around nearby.

To be continued...

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