"Aeriela, hi." he said. "My brother and your sister are having boring Alpha stuff like talking to each other about packs and stuff I have no interest in." he said, rolling his eyes and chuckled. "I thought since you are really the only other wolf I know here I would come visit you."

"We hardly know each other." I said, making Emily poke me roughly in the back and I winced. "But it's nice to see you again." liar.. "I know this really great ice cream parlor that sells good food. Let me just grab my purse and-"

"No need to worry about that." he said, smiling down at me. "I do have my own money so you do not need to pay."

I opened my mouth to agrue to tell him I can pay for my own because if he pays he would consider it a 'date' and this isn't one but Emily tug me and smiled at him, "How sweet of you and friendly." I turned to face her glaring and she just smiled at me.

We walked out of the house and it was awkward silence for a moment as we walked towards the shops in the center of town. I avoided looking at him and I'm gonna get Emily for making me do this! I really just wanted to tell him I changed my mind and this was a bad idea. I hardly know Zakaria and it was so awkward.

We got to the parlor and walked over to the desk with a woman behind it, "Hi, can I have a cheese burger with cheese fires and meduim coke."

She wrote it down and looked at Zakaria who looked up at the menu on the broad hanging above the lady. Her looked nervous, "Oh uh, my english is good for speaking but not reading." he said, making the lady go all googly eyes. He looked down at me, "What would you suggest?"

"Uh," I said, looking up at the board for a moment and looked for something interesting. "How about a Bacon Loco Susage with onion rings? It has bacon-"

"Good." he said as he nodded.

"But don't you wanna know what's in it?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I'm sure it's good. Yes, I will have that with a black coffee."

The lady seemed surprised at the weird choice of drink, "We don't have coffee here young man at this time."

"Oh then just give me the same drink as her." he said, pointing at me. She pushed buttons on the cash register and told him a price. He pulled out a card and gave it to her before taking it back. We sat down at a table and it was quiet again for a few moments until he broke it, "So you will be graduating school in three weeks. How exciting."

I shrugged, "I didn't really have a normal school experince."

He stared at me for a moment, "I know." he said. "I know you use to be raised in the wild."

I rolled my eyes, "When most people learn about that they freak out and think I'm dangerous."

He chuckled, "I think you are beautiful." he said, making me lower my head since I wish he would stop that. He scoffed he spoke in his own lanuage, "Aeriela, I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I just meant I do not think you are dangerous. I see a beautiful girl who just seems. . .sad." he said, lowering his voice. "Someone must have hurt you allot to make you sad."

I lifted my head as my eyes turned hard, "How do you know it was a person?"

He stared at me for a moment, "Because I know what it likes when someone breaks your heart. You can just see it in those eyes of yours." he said. "I am twenty years old and suppose to be married but she didn't think I was good enough because of my small country."

I looked at him for a moment to see if he was lying to me but those eyes didn't show anything. The lady came over with our drinks and food then. She set my burger in front of me then put Zakaria food down. His eyes widen as he looked at the big susage that was covered in melted spicy cheese, bacon, some hot pepers, and green onions.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now