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"Remember, class. Projects are due this Friday! No exceptions." The teacher announced as the final bell rang. Tom has been making desperate attempts to apologize to me the past few days and I was having none of it.

I acted like everything was normal for the rest of the group, I didn't need them worrying about me. I was fine. "Do you want me to come over tonight? We're almost done." He asked as we both stood up.

"I can finish it on my own," I told him and he sighed. "Genie, that's not fair to you. Let me help, please." He begged and I rolled my eyes as we walked toward the front of the classroom.

"Hey, Georg," I said with a smile as we approached him. "Hey, Genie," He smiled back, fixing the bag on his shoulders. "You guys almost done with the project?"

"I just got done telling her I could come over to help her finish it up," Tom said, cutting me off. "Ooh," Georg wiggled eyebrows and I turned to Tom who shook his head.

"Yeah," I said with a smile. "To finish it up," I confirmed as we started to walk out of the classroom. All of us were quiet as we made our way down the stairs and outside to the bus.

I followed behind Tom. "Hey, ich steige an der Haltestelle Genie's aus. Sag es Mama Bescheid, ja?" (Hey, I'm getting off at Genie's stop. Let Mom know, yeah?) Tom said to Bill before sitting in the seat in front of him.

I sat down next to Bill. "Ja, ja," Bill mumbled without looking away from his phone. "Ooh, who are you texting?" I teased as I rested my chin on his shoulders. "Your little girlfriend, I see!" I added and he chuckled before locking his phone.

"What's it to you?" He asked with a smile and I removed my chin from his shoulder, shrugging mine. "You're my best friend so it's everything to me, making sure you're happy," I said as I smiled.

"I'm so lucky to have you," He said softly. "I could say the same thing to you," I told him and he smiled widely. "How is the project coming along for you and Ella?" I asked him.

"Oh, we finished it a couple of days ago when she came over," He said. "And we also worked on a few other things." My eyes widened and my eyebrows raised. "Oh?" I said loudly, waiting for him to elaborate. "Do tell."

"Nothing too extreme," He shrugged his shoulders. "I may or may not have went down on her." He cocked his head to me and smiled proudly. "Oh, shit!" I shoved his arm. "I bet Tom was proud."

"I actually didn't tell him yet," Bill said and I pinched my eyebrows together. "You didn't tell Tom something important?" I asked as I leaned forward to look out the window. "What are you looking at?"

"Just making sure it wasn't snowing," I chuckled, bringing my head back. "Because you tell Tom everything," I told him and he shrugged his shoulders. "Not everything." He said quietly.

I nodded as the bus approached my stop. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." I said as I gave him a quick hug. "I'll see you later, Bill," Tom said before following Georg into the aisle and I stood up doing the same.

"See ya, Gustav!" Bill cheered from his seat as Gustav filed in behind me. We all stepped off the bus and quickly made our way to the sidewalk.

The short walk to my house ended with Tom and I saying our goodbyes to Georg and Gustav. "That's weird," I mumbled, my eyes landing on my father's car in the driveway. "He's never home this early."

Panic began to set in as I rushed to the door, turning the knob and pushing it open with Tom following closely behind. "Papa?" I shouted. "Papa, où es-tu?" (Dad, where are you?)

I entered the kitchen and saw him sitting at the island with my mother. "Que se passe-t-il? Pourquoi rentres-tu si tôt?" (What is going on? Why are you home so early?) I spoke nervously and quickly.

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