idk wth this is but it hurts

Começar do início

He glowed, as he healed- he always did. But his hands felt warmer than usual and when he felt it was time, he pressed his hands into the bloody wound that no longer poured blood- for there was no blood to pour. Wil drained himself, trying to heal what he could but it was to no avail- this child had died. There was nothing Will could give.

But he refused to let this be it- It couldn’t be! The Gods couldn’t let this child die, they were not a soldier- they were a child for god’s sake!

So after he had given everything- all the healing power that he had been blessed with by his father, he found himself with his hands pressed into the lifeless body of the child. And slowly, as he weeped over their corpse, with every drip of his tears, he felt a little more of life ease into the child again. And so he bellowed.

He cried and let the tears pour into the wounds, healing, no- bringing the child back to life. They steamed down his face as he mourned as grievers do. He clutched at the child’s chest that no longer beat and he felt the life before his grow stronger. He heard a little ‘ba-dum’.

Then, the soldier opened their eyes and took a deep inhale.
There was clapping and laughter and crying as people across the infirmary watched the miracle being performed by the Head Healer.

Will felt a smile across his face. While he felt weak, so very weak, he felt pride as he looked at the child, who bleated as they choked air into their lungs like a new born baby goat, their cheeks rosy again.

And then he felt pain. Excruciating pain. It twisted and burned. He heard screaming, the scream of a mother who has lost their child before realising that it was his own voice- his hands, once covered in the blood of the child shot to clutch at his chest only to feel a warm thick liquid coat his hands like water running out of a tap.

He gasped for air. Urgent hands were on him, lifting him onto a stretcher as people immediately fell silent. The room, celebrating moments ago, fell into a trance watching. The healers worked desperately, tearing open Will’s clothes, working as fast as they could.

Will coughed and coughed and as the blood stained his lips he let out a small smile. His small smile turned into a laugh covered with his coughing which only forced up more of the substance as it trickled slowly down his chin.

“Will? Will?” Kayla asked desperately, watching him choke. His lips turned crooked as his face paled, displaying his freckles dusted across his nose and cheeks.

“Please frame these last words: Fuck the Gods,” He whispered, content with his last moments before he suddenly shot open his eyes as he recalled that he had forgotten something. “ Oh- and tell Nico that I love him and that jazz.”

His voice was weak and the blood began to dry on his hands.

“Tell me what?” A confused, alarmed and horrified voice echoed from the other side of infirmary belonging to a warrior holding their helmet under their arm and stygian iron sword in their hand.
~•^•~ (duck)
Kayla looked at the warrior desperately, " Nico" she called out "help me and grab more ambrosia at the back?!" Nico nodded gravely as he ran around grabbing stuff his eyes never left Will who was choking on his own blood by now. Once he was done Nico rushed to his boyfriend's side. "Will" Nico whispered to him, " please don't leave me, please!" He begged "please" Nico continued saying that like his life depended on it and it did, his will to live (pun intended) was leaving him and he could feel it.
Nico didn't know how long he begged and cried by Will's side, but he knew he left long ago. Nico looked at Will's body all bloody and so SO pale his grin replaced my a grimace and his eyes were clamped shut. Even though Will looked so dead and gone Nico refused to believe that Will is dead.

He is just sleeping.

He is just sleeping

Just sleeping



Nico repeated until he couldn't believe it anymore.

He's gone.

He's gone.

My Will, my love.

"Ti amo Will" Nico whispered.

The next week the body of Nico Di-Angelo was found broken. Below a cliff.

They were together. That's all that matters...


Omg I'm so sad.

I'm sorry.

Also. This might not be the enddd?!?

Word count :1417

One Shots, Two Shots And A Dead Drew.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora