LOIGHT. 🕯️🕯️🕯️

27 1 8

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Triggers; vomit, brief violence, mentions of blood, panicking

Breakfast had been quiet. Most of the campers were gone due to the academic year starting up again, and the ones that stayed were still sleeping in. Will knew that wouldn't last long though, Chiron would get the head counsellors of each cabin to go bang in the doors, waking any remaining sleeping campers. But Will was one of the last children of Apollo at camp and would stay that way until the school year ended unless they got any new campers. But until then, he basked in the rare quietness of the dining pavilion.

Nico was up early for once, able to enjoy his meal at his boyfriend's table thanks to the extra space now available. Austin had left a few days prior, the majority of the other siblings had left over a week ago, and the newest, youngest member of the Apollo cabin (whom Will was growing extremely fond and protective of), Simon, had left that morning to start 3rd grade. So currently, it was just Will and Kayla. Only one of them was partaking in breakfast, much to Will's displeasure, but that could be a sibling scolding moment for another time.

Everything was working out for once. There were no quests, the camp was safe, and the infirmary was slow. Will finally felt like he had a chance to catch his breath.

Will's hand found its way to Nico's and ran a thumb across the back of his hand absentmindedly.

It truly was a perfect morning. Nice and warm, the sun was out but there was still an occasional cloud.

"How's your breakfast?" Will asked, just wanting to spark a conversation.

Nico glanced up, "It's camp breakfast for sure." He spoke with a shrug, "I think my oatmeal is fermented." Will knew it was supposed to be a joke but unusually the dark color of Nico's oatmeal made the statement quite possible.

"Maybe you should bring that up to Mr. D, he might be able to" Will was cut off by a large thump. Much like someone, or something was taking a step and tripping. Will glanced around, no one else seemed to notice, or if they did, they weren't alarmed. Even Mr. D and Chiron were still chatting away at the head table.

Will cleared his throat, "Anyways, I think Mr. D could-" another thump, thump. A fork fell off one of the tables making a soft clanging sound as it hit the floor.

This time the head table fell quiet. Chiron looked up, brows knitted together.

A daughter of Hephaestus was sprinting towards the pavilion, Nico made some quip about "someone being excited for the most important meal of the day", but Will didn't laugh, because as the girl got closer, the fear etching her face became more evident and clear.

Will stood, half expecting to be told about some rock slide or something near the coast and a large list of causalities or injuries that would take over his day, but instead, he heard her scream,


"A Hydra? Inside the barrier?" Will heard Chiron say. Looking around, he saw all the campers who had gotten up early for breakfast rushing to get equipment and armour.

He looked up at Nico, "Go time?" Nico asked,

"I knew a quiet peaceful breakfast was too good to be true." Will sighed.

Nico grabbed his sword and Will grabbed a bow and quiver, sure archery wasn't his strong suit, but he much perfected it to close-range combat.

Even the long-range combat wasn't his first choice, but by the time the duo and a few other campers arrived at the edge of the forest, Will saw Kayla already acting as a field medic. She was quickly tending to cuts and burns, probably because whoever was trying to deal with this Hydra didn't know which head to cut off and now there were 12, all thrashing about, lighting trees on fire and trampling anything in its path.

One Shots, Two Shots And A Dead Drew.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن