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"Heeeey Nicoo?" "Yes Will?" " can I ask you a few questions?" Oh gods ...



Will: do I ever cross your mind?

Nico: No...

Will: Do you like me?

Nico: No...

Will: Do you think I'm cute?

Nico: No...

Will: Do you want to be with me forever?

Nico: No...

Will: Would you cry if I left you?

Nico: No...

Will: Would you live for me?

Nico: No...

Will: Would you do anything for me?

Nico: No...

Will: Would you pick me or your life?

Nico: My life...

Will: *turns away sad. Starts walking away.*

Nico: Will, wait! *Grabs his arm* the reason you are never on my mind is because you are ALWAYS on my mind! I don't like you I LOVE YOU! I don't think you're cute, I think you're beautiful! I don't want to be with you forever I NEED to be with you. I wouldn't cry if you left I would DIE! U wouldn't LIVE for you I would DIE for you! I won't do anything for you I'll do EVERYTHING! The reason why I would chose my life over you is because ...



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