Episode 1 : Introduction to Will Solace

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* turns on camera

" Here, today, Wednesday the 19 of July a sunny Will Solace goes out of house called the infirmary to get more supplies to help other sunny solaces".

* Follows him

" The Will Solace, AKA Care Bear, Night Light and Bill, has blonde hair that shines and shimmers in the sun, his blue eyes are the exact same colour of the sky and his freckles are the amount of stars in the sky-"

" Hey Nico! Whatcha doin?"
"*The annoying Perseus Jackson has arrived with his brain full of kelp... No wonder he needs Annabeth's help" " HEY! THAT'S MEAN" the Peter Johnson wailed.

" Anyway, the- HEY, WHERE DID WILL GO?" "And then suddenly the Nico Di-Angelo got caught red handed, you should be more quiet sunshine." Nico turned around to see a smirking Will Solace looking at him like he was a tiny child that realized he scared himself... Which Nico did look like, absolute shock.

The end.

* The poem credited to my bestie child of Apollo... You know who you are.

One Shots, Two Shots And A Dead Drew.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz