(The students step onto a conveyor one by one.)

Past Sora: (To a boy) Do you think Mr. Koenig would let me stay behind and keep working on my Photac device?

Past boy: Um, this is our allocated recreation hour. We have to go ... recreate.

Past Sora: Of course, of course. I'm just excited about getting back to my work is all, but love allotted recreation hour.

Past boy: Me too. We are so fortunate it's been allotted by the Empress.

(Sora goes to her room and sets the Photac on her table.)

Past Sora: (To her poster) I know everyone loves the Empress, but without your inventions, Imperium would be nothing, Dr. LaRow. Clean energy? Carbonless transportation? Anti-gravity hover vehicles? Poof! And someday, I swear, I'm gonna come work for you at the Advanced Systems Lab. (She starts to work on her Photac.)

(At the science fair, the scientists judge Sora's project.)

Past Sora: Like I promised, my Photac version 2 takes it to the next level. You thought a light show was cool?

(She activates the Photac and summons a hard light fish. The students around her murmur in amazement.)

Past Sora: How about a hard light animal? And a fish is only the beginning. Ever wanted your own puppy?

Past student: Aw, look at the puppy.

Past Sora: The Photac animal is cuddly, doesn't require food, and is hypoallergenic. And the best part, the hard light never deteriorates. In fact, the hard light is totally indestructible, so it can't be hurt, or die. It's the perfect companion for anyone that might ... be lonely. There's no limit to the beauty the Photac can create.

Past scientist: Congratulations, Ana! Your plans are hard to follow, but the results? Astonishing. Your indestructible hard light technology is more than deserving of this. (He gives Sora a medal.)

(The students cheer.)


(In the junkyard, the Photac Beast continues to attack.)

Arin: We can fight it if we stick together. Come on!

(The ninja attack, but they only glance off the beast, Rapton's forces carry the lightning dragon away in the distraction.)

Sora: No!

Rapton: Let's go! Wow, that Photac is incredible!

Y/N: More like, "incredibly stupid!"

Kai: Great. What do we do now?

Sora: I don't know about we, but I know what I've gotta do. I created that thing. I have to be the one to destroy it.

Arin: But, how ...

Sora: I have to go back to Imperium.


(After the science fair, Sora's parents take pictures of her.)

Past Sora's father: We are quite proud of you, Ana.

Past Sora's mother: I know we don't say that much.

Past Sora: Or ever.

Past Sora's mother: But we see now that your ... passion for your studies was all in service of Imperium.

A new beginning // Ninjago Dragons Rising x Reader and BrotherΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα