Chapter 12

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Kaitlin: Okay * She says to Ramona *

Ramona: You have to meet her as well Sapphire. * She say to her big sister *

Sapphire: Okay. * She says to her little sister *

Ramona: Fuchsia, I want you to meet my Guardians. * She says to her friend *

Fuchsia: Okay. * She says to her friend Ramona *

Ramona: Kaitlin and Sapphire, this is my new friend Fuchsia, and this is her mom. * she says to her guardians *

Anastasia: Hi, I'm Fuchsia's mom. * she says introducing herself to Ramona 's guardians *

Kaitlin: Hi, Anastashia; my name is Kaitlin, and I am Ramona's guardian. * she introduces herself *

Sapphire: And my name is Sapphire, I am Ramona's big sister and I'm her second guardian. * She says to Fuchsia's mom *

Anastasia: Nice to meet you all. I was one of the officers that worked on the case. I am so sorry for your girls loss. How are you all holding up?  * She says to Ramona and Sapphire *

Kaitlin: You can talk to her. * She says to Sapphire *

Sapphire: Okay. * She says to Kaitlin *

Anastasia: Ms. Jasmine, can I borrow your office, so I can see how Sapphire is? * She asks her Daughter Fuchsia's teacher *

Ms. Jasmine: Yes, you can. * she replies to Fuchsia's mom *

Sapphire and Anastasia walk to Ms. Jasmine's office and closes the door so, they could speak with each other.

Anastasia: Well, Sapphire I know it's a little bit since we last spoke, and I was wondering how you and your sister were doing. * she says to Sapphire *

Sapphire: Well, Ramona and I are doing okay but still have those moments when we get really sad about our mom, and it's just been really hard to be okay and come to the realization that our mom is no longer alive and is buried in a cemetery.

Anastasia: I understand, it is really hard to be okay when you lose a family member.

Sapphire: Yes, but it's much harder on our dad Calum, he is in the hospital.

Anastasia: Really?

Sapphire: Yes. * She replies to Anastasia *

Anastasia: So, your father hasn't been doing well? * she asks her *

Sapphire: No. * she says with tears forming in her eyes *

Anastasia: What has been happening? * she asks handing Sapphire the tissues that were in Ms. Jasmine's office *

Sapphire: My dad relapsed. * she says to Anastasia *

Anastasia: He did? * she asks Sapphire *

Sapphire: Yes. After my mom died, my dad's drug addiction got bad, his alcohol addiction got worse, we started to argue more often, he gets drunk every night, He smokes two packs a day, he is cutting himself again, his temper has gotten worse, and he tried to end his life two times. * she says to Anastasia before breaking down completely in tears *

Anastasia: Oh my goodness. * she says handing Sapphire the box of Kleenex that was in Ms. Jasmine's office *

Sapphire: I am basically raising Ramona on my own because our dad hasn't been in the right mind state, I'm stressed because I have been trying to help pay the bills, I work a job and might have to get a second job to keep things afloat and on top of that I have school and I'm trying to get into college. * she says to Anastasia crying *

Anastasia: Really? * she asks Sapphire *

Sapphire: Yes, and my sister Ramona still has those nightmares of our mom being shot and our dad cutting himself; hitting a vein and bleeding to death and she literally wakes up crying. * she says crying much harder than she was earlier *

Anastasia: I am so, sorry that you are going through so much and that you are so stressed. * She says wanting to give Sapphire a hug *

Sapphire: Ramona and I are staying with my dad's friend Ashton and his girlfriend Kaitlin because my dad is literally on the verge of a collapse. The doctor put my dad on suicide watch because he tried to end his life two times and because of his drug and alcohol problem, he is our Guardian. * she says sobbing even harder *

Anastasia: Oh my goodness. Calm down, deep breaths you're going to make yourself throw up. * She says trying to Calm Sapphire down *

Kaitlin: So, Fuchsia, what do you like to do?  * she asks Ramona's friend *

Fuchsia: Well, I like to do arts and crafts, I like to listen to music, I enjoy drawing and coloring, I want to do ballet and I like to read. * She says to Ramona's guardian *

Kaitlin: What is your favorite genre or genres when it comes to reading? * she asks Fuchsia *

Fuchsia: I enjoy reading, Fiction, Sci-fi, fantasy and I enjoy reading mysteries but only sometimes. * she says to Kaitlin *

Kaitlin: You sound like you're a creative person. * she says to Fuchsia *

Fuchsia: I'd like to think that my mom says so. * She says to Kaitlin *

Anastashia: Do you need anything? * She asks Sapphire *

Sapphire: No, I don't think so. * She says wiping her eyes with some tissue *

Anastashia:  Okay, here is my number. I know that you said that you didn't need anything but I wanted to give you my personal number just in case you wanted to talk. * She say to Sapphire while writing her number done on a piece of paper and handing it to her *

Sapphire: Thank you. * She says taking the paper from Anastashia and putting it in her pocket before going to the Bathroom to throw water on her face so, Kaitlin and Ramona wouldn't see that she was crying *

Anastashia: Ready to go? * She asks her daughter *

Fuchsia: Yes. Mom, can I go over to Ramona's this Saturday and hang out for a bit before we get ready for the Mother / Daughter dance? * she asks her mom *

Anastashia: It's okay with me but is it okay with her Guardian's. * She says to her Daughter *

Ramona: Auntie, is it okay if Fuchsia comes over this Saturday and hang out before we get ready for the Mother/Daughter Dance, and would you and Sapphire go to the dance with me this Saturday? * She asks her guardian *

Kaitlin: It's Okay with me and yes, I would love to go to the dance with you, but we have to ask Sapphire and call uncle Ash. * She says to her Goddaughter *

Ramona: Okay. * She says to her aunt *

Sapphire: Are you ready to go home? * She says to her sister *

Ramona: Yes. * She says to her sister *

Anastashia: Bye, it was nice meeting you both. Sapphire, you have my number, and you can give it to Kaitlin. * She says to Sapphire *

Sapphire: Okay, thank you. * she says to Anastashia *

Fuchsia: Bye, Ramona. see you Saturday. * she says to her friend and waves *

Ramona: Bye Fuchsia. See you Saturday. * She says to her friend and waves back *

Sapphire: Kaitlin and I have a surprise for you in the car and later we are going to visit Dad at the hospital. * She says to her sister *

Ramona: Really? * She says to her sister with excitement *

Sapphire: Yes. * she says to her sister *

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