Chapter 10

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* No POVs *

Sapphire: Well, okay.

Kaitlin: I'm listening.

Sapphire: So, Logan and I went to middle school together. One day while I was walking and talking in the hall with my best friends Regina and Gabrielle, I bumped into Logan and of course, my books fell.

Kaitlin: Okay.

Sapphire: I was drooling, I think. We had the same lunch period and of course, we were all heading to the school cafeteria, but first Logan helped me pick my books up and that is when he first spoke to me.

Kaitlin: What did he say?

Sapphire: Well, Logan said: " Hi and asked me if he could help me pick up my books. "

Kaitlin: What did you say?

Sapphire: I told him, yes and then he asked me what my name was. I told him that my name was Sapphire and he said: " Sapphire, like the gemstone. " then I said: " Yes. " and then he said that his name was Logan and that he liked my name.

Kaitlin: Okay, so, you talked to him, and you didn't make a fool of yourself.

Sapphire: Yes, but the day he asked me out on a date, I made a fool of myself.

Kaitlin: How did you do so, I don't understand.

Sapphire: So, 2 days or was it 3 days before the middle school dance, Logan walked up to me in the hallway and asked me to go to the middle school dance with him and I was stumbling on my word, and I think I said me go to the dance with you and he said yes and then I screamed yes.

Kaitlin: So, what, you were just really excited that the person you had a crush on asked you to the middle school dance.

Sapphire: Yes, but I screamed yes, and everyone heard me and started laughing which was embarrassing.

Kaitlin: I understand but you shouldn't have let what happened bother you; you were excited that Logan asked you to the middle school dance.

Sapphire: If it's okay with you I would like to move forward to our official first date and first kiss.

Kaitlin: Okay.

Sapphire: After we got our certificates saying that we completed the following requirements to move to the next grade which was high school, Logan and I traded phone numbers and he said that he would contact me during the summer.

Kaitlin: And did he?

Sapphire: Yes, and he asked me out while I was at the mall with my girlfriends doing some shopping.

Kaitlin: Did you say yes?

Sapphire: I did.

Kaitlin: Where did you go?

Sapphire: For our first date, we went to the carnival.

Kaitlin: Sounds romantic.

Sapphire: It kind of was, we rode on the Ferris wheel, the carousel and did some other things, he also won a big fluffy unicorn for me after winning a carnival game.

Kaitlin: Sounds like it was an amazing Date.

Sapphire: It was, and I still have the unicorn that he won for me back at home.

~ Meanwhile In The Music Room ~

Ashton: Good Afternoon, Class.

Class: Good afternoon, Ashton.

Ashton: How is everyone doing?

Class: Good.

Ashton: In our first class we got familiar with the various parts of your drum kit.

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